Police & Thieves.

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”~~

~~Thomas Jefferson~~

~~Our Own Most Romantic One~~


Our Mr. Jefferson~~as rendered for us today by

~~Mr. Rembrandt Peale: (c:1805)~~


May be an image of 1 person, flower, outdoors and tree

One’s nascent understanding of how money is made is a prerequisite to one’s ever making money.

May be an image of 1 person, flower, outdoors and tree

Some have said to me “John Begg, How it is possible for you to clearly and blithely understand what is: Derivative risk arbitrage hedging, when the new young President, who went up to Ha`vad is not likely capable of understanding that enterprise?”

I have to correct:

First, and most embarrassingly so for me and my family, the new young President did not go up to Hav~ad, but rather to King’s College, called now, I think, by the Americans, Columbia College~~which is my maternal school.

Second, if the new young President cannot understand an asset group as simple as derivative risk arbitrage hedging, he really oughtn’t to be President.  The enterprise is so basic, it is almost childlike.

Derivative risk arbitrage hedging is part and parcel of what is most erroneously called in the conventional newspapers:

The “hedge fund” business—which was named, derivatively such, by a sociologist, yes, I said a sociologist, believe it or not, called Alfred W. Jones, who is credited with coining the phrase:

 “Hedged fund.”

Mr. Alfred W. Jones went to heaven vehemently rejecting the expression “hedge fund,” as that nominal appellation belies an ignorance of the type of fund under discussion which is to say that:

A hedged fund is an asset fund that “is hedged” against risk, on the premise that the hedged fund trader will win a few and lose a few but, in the end, he will take net profit.

Some say to me—“oh well, that sounds as though it were just plain gambling, like betting on a horse—that’s not real investing—such as buying equities or bonds.”

Nonsense.  Placing what you deem to be informed bets on future outcomes is not any more or less a gamble than is anything else.

Very likely, the highest risk, the greatest gamble, is to get out of bed in the morning.  All of life is a gamble.  To not gamble is: to not be alive.

At the highest levels of finance, there exists a rarefied air breathed in by a very select group of men who do nothing but gamble on future possibilities all day long.

So, you’ve no choice guys:

The tumblin dice~~you gotta roll ’em

John Daniel BEGG is a confidence man who will con you into thinking you’re the one, who can do what’s never been done; who can win what’s never been won.


Posted on  by John Daniel Begg under Society

May be an image of 1 person
John Daniel BEGG~~The Con Man
Famous car adverts from 1920-1950 – European CEO

Americans read and remember, often for life:

Advertising signs that:

Annual model change was the result of affluence, technology ...

Con you into thinking:

1951 Camels Ad - John Wayne Picture - Ad

You’re the ONE:

Study reveals secret tobacco industry deals with Hollywood

Who can win what’s never been WON:

Seven decades of Coca-Cola advertising shows how the soft drink's ...

Who can do what’s never been DONE:

Meanwhile, the dreary hustle and bustle of life:

Goes on all around you.




Praying Hands Personalized Prayer Card (Priced Per Card)

####################################################################Index Librorum Prohibitorum

I wear the chain I forged in life.


How short the list one could compile of those of whom it can be said that fame and money did not deprave?




 At Washington, capital city of the terminally self-absorbed, mortal man holds to fleeting, feeble and fallible opinion, God immutable fact.


November 2003 event 012
No photo description available.

Blood will ever out.

May be an image of 1 person, riding on a horse, standing and horse

As a sire–a still greater champion;


Galileo–King of Kings is dead.


All those of our business mourn his passing.


Yet, happily, nay cheerily, he lives on in a long parade of champion sons


Making ever good the adage: 

Breed the best to the best and hope for the best.




Blood will ever out.

May be an image of 3 people

In The Name of God Always



Praying Hands Personalized Prayer Card (Priced Per Card)