“We done him in ourselves.” The Grand Old Party today: No time for a gentleman here, boys. Richie rich, cream shoe, high silk hatters keep out!!


The two gentlemen, Romney. Both sought high office.  Both were bloodied by their own for the unpardonable crime and most severe and deadly mortal sin of being mild-mannered, moderate, gentlemen. (Photo credit The Associated Press)

“We done him in ourselves,” brag the true believers of Governor Mitt Romney, as there is clearly, to their minds,  no time or place for the gentlemanly sort in the Grand Old Party today.  I see, but just what sort of men do we want then, dear friends?

His Father’s own son: A tale of two Romneys–two good men castigated and brought low, we now discover in part by their own, the younger one 50 years after the elder one for the same reason—their treasonous sin whose name is called moderation.

I read my Party post mortems of the election of 2012 and have to laugh–sardonically perhaps–but laugh nonetheless.  Everybody, it would seem, is an expert on what went wrong.  Moreover, they all stumble over one another trying to one up the other guy about who had earliest prophesied that the nomination of Mitt Romney was “fixed by the GOP establishment,” despite the legitimate yearnings of the people for a fire-breathing zealot.

The hard right flank of my Party is of course convinced that Romney was a compromiser, an equivocator, an ameliorator, a Democratic Trojan horse.  Some brag proudly today openly to me that they didn’t even bother to vote for our Party standard-bearer.  Well, thanks a lot, guys.  Remember, as they say, you get the government you deserve, so if you sandbagged Mitt on purpose for his moderation, let us have now no high talk about rabid radicals in the White House for the next 4 years—as you confess you helped to re-elect the President of the other Party in order to further the ethnic cleansing of our own Party.  Congratulations!

The anointed true believers of my Party concoct any number of elaborate theories as to why a race that, literally could not be lost, was lost anyway.  One such  theory appears today for your reading pleasure:


Today, I was simply bowled over by the notion that it was Mitt Romney’s generalized moderation and his “neo-conservative” attitudes that done him in. It is simply hilarious, for example, to suggest that any appreciable number of American citizens have even a vague idea of what a “neo-conservative” is or any interest in learning. That is all inside Washington baseball talk.  While there is no GOP establishment in any formal, de jure, sense, there is a de facto ownership of the Party by certain big money donors—much as is the case in the other Party.  These rich men wanted Romney.  He was their guy.  No question.  But Romney was not a bad man.  He simply did not fit the times.  This bad fit is terribly sad because Mitt would have been a very good President.  Mitt was, and remains, a very good man as was his father before him, both of them gentlemen.  I am distressed to read that so many of my Party think the idea of having a gentleman for a President is such a dreadful idea.  Do these writers think the Americans want and deserve a rabid, screaming, pagan Helot as their President?

Put another way, is our Party principally the Party of gentlemen of business and the Big Tent, or is it not?

On a personal note, I am long retired from competitive race riding—which is to say what politics is—in proper visualization—horse racing riding.  Politics is replete with racing analogies that today are frequently used without the speaker or writer consciously understanding the origins of the terms.   Presidential races are Kentucky Derbies—for a rider—our senior prom—our big dance.    If you’ve never ridden one you can never know the feeling that comes from hearing “My Old Kentucky Home” played in the post parade.  Just so as it is true how few players ever play in a Super Bowl and those who do will attest the feeling going on that field is unlike any other you will ever experience.

Every American boy knows how to play American football, but what number ever stand on the field in the Super Bowl?  Similarly so with Presidential politics—which is a horse race like none other—how many jockeys ever ride in that race?  Almost none ride in it.  And, as I never criticize other jockeys, I do not here criticize Romney’s kids—I assume they rode best race—nobody wants to lose a Kentucky Derby, I assure of that.  The rider tries his best to get the horse to win.  That said, all your plans, all your best strategy and calculations, evaporate when the gates open.  The jockey does his best and rides his breaks based on split second decisions that other people endlessly second-guess but I never do–I never criticize other race riders—it’s just not polite—plus—I am long retired and in the stands with the other spectators and I didn’t ride the horse–so it really isn’t any of my business.  I conclude that Romney trusted his rider and that the kid did his best and they lost.

I was asked my two cents, and I gave it.  I said, forcefully so, and am now yet undeterred from believing, that Dr. Paul and Governor Palin ought to have been induced in every manner possible to give prime-time speeches at our convention.  Clearly, my advice was not heeded—but again, I wasn’t riding in that particular Derby.  I felt, and today think,  that Governor Palin and Dr. Paul represent a fervent, and highly energized, sector of the electorate and that their followers feel largely shunned by the process and they are correct to think that.  Their voters, if they call any Party their home today, clearly belong to our Party.  They deserve a say in things.  How can we be the Big Tent and deny them?  As did other candidates from the primaries and other Party sectors deserve a proper place at the table to share their ideas.  They ought not to have been shut out.

I was told some years ago by a fellow seized by the spirit of unnamed passions and  filled with faux outrage that I personally should be ashamed of Governor Palin as she was unfit for high office.  I was not then ashamed and am not today.   Americans elect men who are unfit for high office on a regular basis.  My response to the faux outrage–it is none of your business, nor mine, whom the people select to lead them.

Did not heeding my two cents of advice cost us the race?  Who the devil knows?  The best jockeys in politics ride as hard as they can, savagely frankly when needed, but not dirty.  “Ride really hard, but never dirty,” is the proper motto of any race jockey.  The difference, as in any sport, is imperceptible to the spectator.  The lad wants to win, but, cultivate a reputation for dirty race riding and you won’t soon be back to Churchill Downs—if ever—and you don’t deserve to be.

I am fully sanguine in saying that no one feels worse about this loss than does Governor Romney and his family.  Romney feels he let the people down—he is, crushed.  He thinks endlessly on his father whom he dearly loved and admired and who was  his teacher, his mentor.  He feels he let old George down as well.

This disappointment extends so, likewise true, to his lads and other attendants.  They deserved to win, they ought to have won, they expected to win, and they simply didn’t win.  This is highest grade, Group 1, of horse racing.   The best horse often loses, good does not always triumph.  Romney, his family and his team were the most disappointed sensate beings in the gathering dusk at Churchill Downs the evening of November 6, 2012; I can assure you of that.  Losing the Derby is pure, unadulterated hell and heartbreak.  You don’t recover, you move on, but you think on the “what ifs” every day after.  You never forget a lost Derby.  It simply cannot be done.  That’s the magic of it and the sorrow of it, equally so, measure for measure.

Let’s alter course here a bit. The Financial Panic of 2008 did, “fundamentally change America.”  Who was to blame for the Panic of 2008 requires a number of completely separate full-length history books to sort out–and, as with all history books which go unread by all but a tiny few, such a sorting out is of little real-life value any longer.

America, and the West, went off a very high mountain and into a ravine in the Panic of 2008 and we haven’t gone anywhere near the bottom of the ravine yet and we are not coming back—ever—unless something very drastic is done—which is most unlikely.  The Panic of 2008 and the attending poverty, unemployment and despair that has followed, and relatedly, and considered together with, what to do about closing down the American war machine that saps our blood and gold and never ceases to churn, are the only political issues today of any consequence—there are no others.

How to deal with poverty and despair in America?  The standard Parties pretend poverty is not there, but it surely is. How do the big Parties differ respecting how to deal with systemic, and quickly coming, structural, American poverty on a mass basis?

I have, in my life, been often asked the relevant difference between our two, principal, political Parties.  The correct answer to this is eye-popping in its simplicity. The difference is that the other Party pretends to care about the poor while mine does not so pretend.  This means, among other things, that my Party is marginally less sanctimonious before God–as the poor are His special ones.  To pretend to care for them in order to steal their votes is, hence,  far the more offensive to God than the position of my Party which does not so pretend.


As to the sole other issue of consequence in America today past poverty–which is the dismantling of the war machine—here is the what to do:





American politicians, of all brands, are utterly incapable of dealing with real issues such as the Panic of 2008, and, frankly, they don’t even bother to pretend they are capable of dealing with real issues.  The American people want something done about the fall-out that continues from the Panic, but conventional politicians cannot conceive a way to do anything. So, they change the conversation and talk of other things–any other things–principally, very silly things.  Here is more on why that Panic may be a final curtain call for America and the West:


And, a possible way out—a glimmer of hope:


Like his father before him, Mitt Romney advocated to be a President who is a “moderate manager.”  If that cost him the election, so be it.  I recall vividly, sitting very close to Mitt in San Francisco in 1964 when the Party nominated a purist–Mr. Goldwater–and George Romney, a very successful, moderate, Governor of Michigan, cautioned the Party about the dangers of being hijacked by “extreme elements.”  He was virtually torn from the stage.  Things got very hot, George stormed out of the convention, his family in tow, and I am certain Mitt never forgets that ugly scene—he dwells on it every day—most especially now.

Yet George Romney was right in his fundamental thoughts in 1964, as his son was in 2012.  The Americans do not want wild-eyed zealots as their President.  This is rightly so as the Americans should not desire wild-eyed zealotry.  If disgruntled true believers truly want to live under wild-eyed zealotry, they can repair to perhaps Egypt or Syria or Libya or, even more fun, Afghanistan.

The Americans desire above all, in the words of Mr. Madison, a President, who leads a government that “protects the people and facilitates commerce.”  And that’s about all the Americans want of their President and their government.  That is what we all ought to search for—not manic zealotry—rather–moderation and a firm, sober, gentlemanly, hand on the throttle of government.  Why, please say, Party brethren, is a gentleman President such an atrocious idea?

As an adieu for today, consider what may well come if we do not directly and forcefully deal with the after-shocks of the Panic of 2008 and our bi-partisan, and consummate, failure to rein in the war machine.

Here are some fun facts to consider when deciding where all this might soon end up:  fully 15 millions fewer voters exercised the franchise in 2012 than did in 2008.  The President received 10 plus millions fewer votes than in 2008.  Romney received 4 plus millions fewer votes than McCain did in 2008.  Where are these lost lambs from the tribe of universal  suffrage now strayed?  Are they simply so deliriously happy with conditions in America that they don’t have time out from wild parties to vote?  I offer just a hint–this explanation for the silence of these lambs November 6 is not a very distinct possibility.  Or, are the lambs following a new community organizer about whom normal men know naught?  The latter possibility is a very real possibility.  In consideration of that thought, here is some wild-eyed zealotry for you to consider, if that’s what you say you really want, boys:




And, Man was made God and dwelt amongst us.

Percy Bysshe Shelley was a very pretty young man with very sad eyes, who left us terribly young, lost at sea, and yet managed a wonderful surprise for us–one of the best poems ever penned and, for having penned it, insured his immortality.  Yet, very wisely, he did not pretend to be God.


In this, our, on-going, chronicle of the suicidal saga of a young and restless people called the Americans in the fading light of their late First Empire wherein, vanity run all amok we find:


Man was made God and dwelt amongst them.


As man’s seemingly, ungovernable vanity, is our topic this day, we are wise to visit with also here, very briefly, Aristotle, Stalin, Hitler, Mao of the Chinese and, thank God, young Shelly for our closing poem, Ozymandias, itself a derivative reference to Ramesses II, the Great One, third Egyptian Pharaoh, and yet another in an endless line of  Tin Gods with very high opinions of themselves and yet, somehow, despite their grandeur, today largely lost and forgotten to Lady History, and on tomorrow, forever neglected and ignored by Her.


Aristotle cautions us that the highest attainment of man is to: think.


That is what he would have us do to be free men and wise.


To spend all our day: thinking.


The Americans are a juvenile and boastful people who, today, are not fond of thinking at all, much yet all day long, but they are very fond of preening pomposity and they say—thus, brashly:


“There is no coincidence in life, I make my own coincidence!!”


This is odd as, if the Americans were to think—not all day–just a bit–about this comment, they would realize it for the rash braggadocio and silliness that it is.


Beyond dispute, all is coincidence.  All is accident.  We experience the accident of birth, marriage, leaving home 5 minutes too early or too late and getting into, or not getting into, a fatal car crash, being in the right place or wrong place politically when the wheel goes ‘round–accidents of history–accidents of life.  Your stocks and bonds go up or down.  You control nothing.  There is nothing to brag about.


The Americans, are disposed by their frisky young traditions to entertain all manner of  feints of vanity.


They will tell you:


“Luck?? I make my own luck!!”


You make your own luck, do you?


Well now.




To say that:


“I make my own luck!!” is

chiefly remarkable because luck is, of definition:


Coincidental good fortune.


Accidental, transitory, victory.


The Americans of this present time are very boastful and vain.


This vanity is both painful and hilarious to watch.


The ultimate vanity of course is for man to presume to become:




The Americans did not invent this presumption and will not be the last civilization to cultivate this whimsical idea.


Very recently in history Joseph Stalin, Man of Steelprovides us a good case study in this vanity.


Stalin was virtually illiterate, save a few years in a seminary school to train to wear God’s cloth, an education he shared with both Mr. Hitler and your writer.


Despite his poverty and lack of book learning, Stalin, like Hitler, understood uncannily the nature of the people he used to further his monstrous vanities and lusts for power and dominion.


As Hitler, who was by blood an Austrian and not a German, and yet somehow fully understood the Germans and which of their buttons to push when, Stalin, who was a Georgian and not a Russian, understood the Russians as did no other leader they have ever had.


Stalin had an intuitive sense of the Russians that is truly remarkable to contemplate.


He used this intuitive knowledge not only to subjugate and murder the Russians but likewise to make himself into:


Russia Herself.


The Russians are a very sad, very simple, people to observe through the lens of history.


The Russian people understand only three things–nothing more:


God and His Church, The Emperor and the Motherland.


Stalin, the illiterate, systematically became all three of these touchstones.


Becoming the Emperor was easy.  After Stalin’s sponsor, the frail and mentally confused Mr. Lenin, went to meet his Maker, or wherever communists imagine they go when they leave this globe, Stalin took power with a gun and became the New Emperor.


Stalin then proceeded to become God, literally.


All the icons of the Church were torn down and burned.


The priests were beheaded, a decapitation so symbolic that the simple Russians understood that Stalin was now God.


All ornaments that hung inside the doors of all Russians, no matter how low their station, were taken down and, by decree, replaced with portraits and visages of the new God, Stalin.


At, what had been celebration of Christmas and other civilized, high feasts, Stalin’s smiling image was adorned with festive wreaths and lights—he was indeed God—the Babe Jesus Himself.


To become the:


Motherland Herself, was a tad more dicey a vanity to satisfy—but here, his erstwhile ally, Mr. Hitler, lent a hand in the summer of 1941, by invading Russia.


After a fortnight of frenzied, alcoholic haze in his dacha outside Moscow, a stunned Stalin observed the arrival of his high command, of men who had been unwilling to act without his command, and Stalin thought the game was finally up for him.


The Man of Steel assumed he would be arrested and butchered as he had done so many times to so many others himself.


Instead, the high command, not realizing his momentary weakness, held Stalin high aloft and made him their leader at war—they made him:


Russia Herself.


Stalin is now remembered as a terrible tyrant, if he is remembered at all—and as the world hurdles forward, he is less and less remembered at all.


But for this:


I remember him here because his singular vanity, to presume to become God, is now a vanity of the Americans.


The, now complete, addiction to the notion that man can become God is an American vanity acquired gradually.


Many of the unlettered are today fond of saying for instance: “I am spiritual but not religious,” a hilarious comment, utterly devoid of meaning always tendered with the greatest of doe-eyed, feminine, earnestness.


When I ask, both quizzically and comically:


“Well, I see, you are spiritual but not religious—I can’t think what the devil that means–please tell me now,” none can answer–such is the vapidity of modernism.


They don’t know what it means—this, their own profession of the new faith.


Those who are called today among the Americans “progressives”—a very odd word given progressivism’s invidious intentions, realize, as did Stalin, that banishing God is a most necessary precursor to making Man into God.


That is the objective—not to be without God but to instead: become God.


So, we “progress,” from God made man—Christmas Day—to Man made God—progressivism.


Man’s vanity never ceases and is both startling and hilarious at one and the same time.


In keeping with the objective to make man God, we are told:


“I do not believe in a Creator or in any afterlife—heaven and hell and all that sort is for hillbillies.”


I see.


The, for now, dominant, strain in American culture being progressivism, man will soon think himself successful in having become God.


Man will control the weather and the ebb and flow of the tides and the seas we are told, as man progresses to be God.


Well, well, my, my.


Mr. Stalin would be jealous of our brashness.


The Americans, as earlier with Mr. Stalin, as with Mr. Hitler and Mr. Mao of the Chinese, will be very disappointed in their overreach in attempting to replace God with man.


These three named earlier tyrants are all gone now and forgotten to most but for old men such as myself, and, very, very soon, to all men.


The Americans are a kindly, strikingly and uniquely charitable, but silly and hopelessly young people.


They cannot remember, if many of them ever knew, of the vanity of man through history.


Their present day Tin Gods, who boast they will raise and lower the seas and likewise control the ebb and flow of the tides and control the storms and the temperatures up and down will be not ever become True God but remain mere mortals, who will shortly pass on to, wherever it is that:


Spiritual, but not religious, progressives think they go when they die and–horror of horrors, be forgotten, in the blink of an eye.


The onrush of history is savage, relentless and swift.


No man endures, all crumble and die and new tyrants holding fast to new vanities arise, have their brief moment in the sun and then, simply vanish into oblivion.


The Americans, in this, our saga of their late first Empire, evidence a singular silliness.


The American progressives seek to mock God and His Believers, yet they wish desperately to become God themselves and assume His Duties.


What greater vanity could man divine than that?


The Americans are a hopelessly young people, just getting their sea legs, really.


As such, they should be forgiven freshmen errors to a very large extent.


Yet, their vanity is today, of a fully mature, upper classman’s,  presentation.


I am both saddened and amazed by the Americans.


They held such promise for the world.


Yet today we have men of prominence in the nation who seek an office far, far, too high to reach.


Rather than be satisfied, and, yes, humbled, by high office and positions in government ministries, American men today seek to be God Himself.


This can never be and is comedic to consider really.


I am sanguine they will not, but duty compels I suggest they read this startlingly riveting, wonderfully beautiful,  poem on the vanity of man, likely the best admonition ever penned about just:


How great thou art not:



I met a traveler from an antique land,

Who said:

`Two vast and trunkless legs of stone,

Stand in the desert.

Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read.

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear —

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains.

Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.’

Percy Bysshe Shelley



Percy Bysshe Shelley Quotes


November 2003 event 012
  • The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
  • ~~
    The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


    ~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

    ~~La crema y nata~~


    ~~Artista de la conquista~


    ~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 
    Finis Origine Pendet…
    The escape commences…
    September, 1957
    Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic parochial school, called, by anyone of any background, simply: “Chan~al,” a place where, of an autumn day in 1957, school,  for me,  began and ended in the first convening of the first grade in which a tiny nun, one Sister Dom Bosco, appeared before me, just behind the window appearing at far left of this photograph, and piped out this: “I may be small, but so then, is the Atom Bomb.”
    My determination to escape school commenced immediately on hearing about this Atom Bomb business and took 16 dicey and arduous years to finally accomplish.~~
    Non Sibi
    The escape continues…
    September, 1966
    The Cathedral Latin School
    Finis Origine Pendet~
      ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

    Rejoice and Glad!!




    ~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~



    ~~EX LIBRIS~~


    Wednesday, 3rd December,~Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

    Website: http://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com







    Tweets: @jtdbegg

    "Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
    French actor~~Alain Delon

    The Catholic University of America
    Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
    Seal of The Catholic University of America

    Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~

    The escape concludes…


    The Catholic University Of America, Washington, District of Columbia.


    1976, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.



    Acta Est Fabula.


    Deus Vult.


    ~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~

    The Queen~~

    Our Ruler now 63 years on~~

    Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~


Get ANGRY!! How to get the good life back in America

Get ANGRY!!  How to get the good life back in America

Malcolm X (ne Little) got angry and he got very specific. Anger, divorced of specific action to redress the wrong that caused the anger, is wasted energy.  Anger against wrongs is only of value if it proposes specific solutions to redress those wrongs.


My friend Rick Smith has a message here today that all of us need to hear to discern how we came to be where we are in our long-running American economic nightmare–and why we are there–watch and listen—this is very worthwhile.  This is actually helpful as opposed to listening to endless petty political posturing–which is worthless.


Some of Mr. Smith’s guests are fixated on taxes—specifically “tax fairness.”  What is needed is not fiddling the tax code—what is needed is JOBS!!  Good Jobs!!  I have a simple proposal to address the jobs issue that includes tax matters—but the singularly important message is that the most critical purpose of all government activity right now must be to get business into a position in which it must, via incentives, coercion, whatever needs to be done, in turn, get the people good jobs.

Mr. Smith and I are both old enough to remember when it was the standard practice for business to provide good retirement programs and free health care—that is needed again.  Demand that life again!!  We must demand a return to that time in which Americans were well provided for by their employers–to include free health care and company paid retirement programs.

Mr. Smith is very correct to say that there is great anger in America today but that the anger is generalized and people do not know what to demand because they do not understand precisely what they are angry about.  Smith tells us what to be angry about.  Listen to him.

I will tell you what to do with your anger.  Be angry about this: Your world has been destroyed over the past 40 years.  Listen to Mr. Smith and myself and let’s get angry together and demand specific things—let’s define our outrage, and then organize and find leaders with specific ideas to turn the clock back to the better times.  Politicians will not help us if we do not come together under a specific banner of demands. Get specific—and start demanding getting your good life back!!

Mr. Smith has delivered to us good reporting and  great history.  I have proposed a specific solution to move that history forward to incite action to solve the problem Smith identifies for people to rally around.  Anger must become specific not merely generalized.  My specifics as to how to best harness your anger to positive result are seen, in four parts, here:







Riding the wrong wave? Did Americans simply select the wrong sort of community organizer?

One fella’s drearily boring, insipidly academic, insufferably dull-witted, community organizing is another fella’s  giddily exhilarating, endlessly energizing, instantly motivating, community organizing.


Community organizing at Nuremberg, 1938–seemingly a very popular idea for many in a community wanting very much to be organized and to be told just what to do and lacking only a leader to organize them.  Not inspired by the idea of, and, on evidence, disinterested in, learning to, think for themselves, they found their leader, readily enough.

American public tempers, frayed to a startling, for myself disquieting and unprecedented degree, many write to me to say that post-election 2012 political dissatisfaction is down to America’s having simply picked the wrong sort of community organizer.  This old film from 1981 is making the rounds of the subterranean new media to substantiate that premise.




We can be heroes—happy American heroes

We can be Heroes–Happy American Heroes


Mr. David Bowie (ne Jones), shown here dressed for industrial business success as he helps Mr. Hedrick Smith, Mr. Martin Sieff, myself and many others to divine an American Industrial Renaissance.

A most talented pop star of a far earlier, for myself much missed and lamented era, Mr. David Bowie (ne Jones)  sang a song that  is inspirational to us as we mull the question of how to quickly bring about  an American economic  Renaissance primarily by adopting a swift new industrial policy to save and revitalize American industry.

Young Mr. Bowie’s song—We Can Be Heroes is most enlightening to listen to when we consider the paths to be taken in our economic policy that now lay before us to select.  Both listen and watch Mr. Bowie’s song here:

Heroes – David Bowie

My friend Rick Smith and I continue our fascinating discussion appertaining to how to save American industry and international competitiveness.  Yesterday, I penned the article attending further here.


Dear Mr. President, all my fellow citizens, it is imperative that we all move together swiftly to adopt an emergency American industrial policy in the national interest.  We cannot survive long as a nation without this program.




William Ewart Gladstone, left, was a dominant and controversial figure in Victorian England and the leading British statesman of the 19th century. He served in the British government from the 1830s to the 1890s, and as Prime Minister of Britain on four occasions, he reformed both British government and society.

Ronald Wilson Reagan, right, was the 40th President of the United States. Prior to that, he was the 33rd Governor of California, and a radio, film and television actor. Ronald Reagan. 40th President of the United States. In office. January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989.

English Prime Minister Gladstone and American President Reagan shared a common tongue and a common economic attitude.  Their common tongue is simply down to blood but no scholar has yet been able to educate me as to if Mr. Reagan’s remarkable symmetry of thought with Mr. Gladstone’s earlier attitudes was down to conscious mimicry or mere coincidence.   That said, it is, indubitably, a remarkable bond of thinking between these gentlemen for us to contemplate.


We are all here heavily indebted to Mr. Martin Sieff, Chief Global Analyst at The Globalist Research Center and Editor-at-Large at The Globalist, for his observations, used liberally in this letter to the President and the American people, with specific citations, where used, which contribute greatly to an ongoing discussion between myself and Mr. Hedrick Smith, long of The New York Times and late the author of a splendid new book, Who Stole the American Dream? Many others have put their considerable mental prowess to discerning how best to get a solution to our vexing economic times and we welcome all lucid opinion.


Mr. Smith’s most illustrative book, available at a reasonable and most sensible price today given the strain of the times on American pocketbooks, can be found here:




This note to the President and to all my fellow citizens, is penned that day, plus one, past November 6, 2012.  I am told, now reliably, that the incumbent President has now been re-elected.  This election process has been tumultuous and very emotional for all concerned.

The time for votes counting done, the time for solutions to the dire economic troubles of the nation that vex all of us is at hand.  What to do about our economy?  What best way out of the woods now?

I have put myself to the task of advocating for a new American Industrial Policy for the past year, after careful consideration of what needs to be done in the wake of the Panic of 2008.  I have made myself a bit of a pest but, needs must we all know to say.  And, considering the condition of our industrial base, needs surely must in America today.  Whilst pestering, I have suggested specifically just this:

FDR’s speech demanding articles of War against the Empire of Japan, December 8, 1941, that day, plus  one, past the savage surprise attack. That speech contained fewer than 500 words and took less than 6 minutes to deliver–let’s have our President today demand our Law to save the American economy in 2012 be past with similar brevity and dispatch

The Objective:

The President must call an
emergency joint session of Congress
and that joint session must agree,
the day of the President’s address,
these laws for him to sign that very

• A federal law that eliminates any
and all corporate and other business
taxes on commercial American
flagged enterprises of all sizes for
business conducted inside America.
Simultaneously, all capital expenses
of business, to include plant
building, research and development

and shipping costs incurred by
business, will be fully depreciable in
the year they are incurred.

•A reciprocal law that all tax
reduction benefits thus derived by
business will be used exclusively to
employ American workers inside

America, working in American

businesses and producing American

products and services using
American raw materials. All jobs
now held off shore by American
flagged companies must be brought
home to America immediately.



Various men of letters put forth various ideas as to how the American Industrial base has reached the present, sad and sorry state of affairs.  Mr. Hedrick Smith has many, well-annotated ideas and I commend them to you in his cited book here today, Who Stole The American Dream?  Other, very talented,  men think other things.  The important thing is that collectively we endeavor to understand how we got here and, far more urgently, far, far more pressingly, how we find our way safe home again. I search for solutions. Along the way, just today, I am happy to have this follow quote taken from Mr. Sieff.

I commence to quote Mr. Sieff in his note of today, to me:

Under Reagan’s stewardship, America’s old industrial base, on which the country’s unprecedented economic expansion and prosperity had been centered since the end of the Civil War in 1865, was allowed to collapse and die — without any effort being made to renew it. The nation ultimately became totally dependent on a huge flow of manufactured imports from China instead.

Coincidentally, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and exactly a century before Reagan’s first national victory in 1980, William Ewart Gladstone, the greatest of all Liberal Party leaders, won re- election as prime minister of Britain.

And he then made exactly the same fateful choice to abandon any serious engagement with industrial renewal that Reagan did a century later. Like Reagan, Gladstone bet his country’s future on a policy of unregulated financial speculation and overseas investment instead.

And also like Reagan, Gladstone was a charismatic political tribal leader whose policies, principles and faith were slavishly followed by his successors for decades.

The results were exactly the same. For 200 years, Britain had been the most advanced industrial nation in the world. The growth of its empire and its unparalleled surge in population, per capita prosperity and global power were all based on that industrial supremacy.

But in the next 30 years, as Lord Correlli Barnett documented in his classic book The Collapse of British Power, British industry fell, fatefully and permanently, behind the United States and Germany. It became deeply dependent on continued technology transfusions from both countries.

Like the Reagan-inspired policy of unregulated financial activity, Gladstone’s lasted just around 30 years. The Reagan-induced financial bubble — with a strong helping hand from the Clinton Administration! — finally popped in September 2008.

Gladstone’s dream dissolved with the onset of World War I in 1914. Bereft of sufficient industrial capacity by itself to meet the demands of war with Imperial Germany, the British progressively had to sell off most of the vast swathes of overseas investments they had accumulated since 1880.

Like Jimmy Carter in 1980, Britain’s defeated Prime Minister in 1880, Benjamin Disraeli, recognized the scale of the problems facing his industrialized society. And like Carter he didn’t have any real answers for them. But at least he recognized the problem.

Gladstone, like Reagan (and much of the rest of today’s Republican Party), was an economic naïf and a prophetic Candide. Like Voltaire’s hero, he imagined that everything was for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Gladstone and Reagan simply refused to acknowledge the existence of any facts or trends that contradicted their simplistic, rosy vision of the way things ought to be.

After 1880, British wealth — rather than being invested in the modernization and revival of the home industrial base — flowed out of the country for cheap profit and financial speculation. But this proved unsustainable after 30 years.

After 1980, America’s new leaders followed the same path as Gladstone and his Liberals. After 30 years, the bankruptcy of that policy is becoming apparent too.

I here cease to quote from Mr. Sieff’s note to me of today.

Let all Americans today come together and agree to lay aside our differences in the national interest and to advocate for the passage and enactment of our new American Industrial Policy–M. Alexis de Tocqueville cautioned us to advocate for the things we most need.  Let’s follow his advice to us here:

Alexis de Tocqueville
Thinker and advocate

The President must call an emergency joint session of Congress and that joint session must agree, the day of the President’s address, these laws for him to sign that very day:

*A federal law that eliminates any and all corporate and other business taxes on commercial American flagged enterprises of all sizes for business conducted inside America.  Simultaneously, all capital expenses of business, to include plant building, research and development and shipping costs incurred by business, will be fully depreciable in the year they are incurred.

*A reciprocal law that all tax reduction benefits thus derived by business will be used exclusively to employ American workers inside America, working in American businesses and producing American products and services using American raw materials. All jobs now held off shore by American flagged companies must be brought home to America immediately.

Please see the following four parts film respecting how to best pressure the politicians to do what we all want done:


Let’s work together, all of us, and likewise encourage the President and Congress to adopt our policy and, in so doing,  make America the great industrial giant she has been before and can be again!!

At Washington, DC, 7th November, 2012, Wednesday


john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg

Web site:  https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com

Rick wrote back his observations on that article last night.  His thoughts flow here:

John ,

Bravo for industrial policy, especially infrastructure development, following in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, all Republican presidents, not to mention Democrats such as FDR, LBJ and JFK.  So federal spending to promote national economic development  is a bipartisan idea deeply rooted in American. Our great leaders have decided that the federal government needs to take a lead in building America’s transportation systems, especially in an era of global competition. Otherwise, we fall behind as a nation, because private sector companies do not undertake this spending on their own and our foreign competitors push ahead of us, as they are doing right now. On infrastructure, the greatest American corporations hold back, sit back, waiting for the federal government to take the lead – a point that needs emphasizing and reemphasizing as the newly re-elected president and the Congress tackle the fiscal cliff. Remember the lessons of our own history and our greatest presidents: Don’t get so focused on cutting costs and combating deficits in the short run that you fail to invest fully in America’s future. In the long run, public investment in America’s sinews of strength pays off great dividends pay off in growth and in balanced budgets later on.



Early this morning, I answered Rick as below:

Dear Rick:

Thanks for Bravo–we are most assuredly on page here.  Good morning.  Yes, many great leaders, of both Parties, have understood the fundamental idea that we must actively encourage and stimulate economic development and industrial policy to both get Americans employed at good and useful jobs and to stay competitive internationally.  And it can be very much a bi-partisan idea–in fact, right now, the only such idea that will have broad-based support at Washington, in industry and with all the people.  In point of fact, new industrial policy can have, literally, no rhetorical enemies. No one can oppose the idea of a massive hiring of workers and re-industrialization of the nation.  Nobody can oppose this.  Even if they don’t like the idea for one reason or another, they can’t oppose it.

And yes, Washington must lead. That is a role that today Washington is not interested in playing–which is a very large slice of the trouble. But men of industry will follow quickly–as you say, they are merely awaiting word from here that the industrial policy initiative is priority one and they will be on board–it’s money to them–they’ll jump at the chance.  They want to.  Everyone will want to.  It will be very rewarding to all sectors who participate–and, as a tasty ancillary–support for such a program will make all supporters heroes.  Heroics, like new re-industrialization, are a very desirable inducement to all to participate–bringing good jobs back to America and her people–now that’s heroics.

Be in touch with ideas–America needs these industrial policy ideas front and center more so than any others.  The really great thing about the immediate tangible benefits of this policy is the flood of new capital into pocketbooks and into the Treasury–we’ve discussed that a bit regarding Jack Kennedy–there will be so much money generated and new tax payers filing that balanced budgets and tax raisings will very quickly become issues of no real consequence to anybody.  People will have jobs, money for their families and the government will have a massive new tax base–this idea will remove all concerns about fiscal gun slinging and such like–they won’t be a problem–and this can be accomplished so simply-so tangibly–that people will be happy–something we are not likely to see if this policy doesn’t get a big initial boost from this city very soon.

This is the time for ideas.  I had a fellow say to me yesterday “passing a bill and getting it enacted is the toughest job anyone can ever undertake.”  I am sure that is true with most bills–but not the one I propose–it can be passed and enacted very quickly and the immediate, tangible benefits to the American people–good jobs–many, many good jobs– will be  immediately created after passage and enactment of this bill.  Keep the message simple and direct and the goal can be reached in lightening speed–and it will have people not only employed but happy–another aspect of life that Washington rarely considers–another very important offshoot of the policy–happiness–we need a lot of that and this policy will bring jobs, money and happiness to people and make the country strong and competitive as well.  Keep thinking good ideas–and solutions–that is what the Americans need most of all today.

Best wishes,


All of these thoughts about getting to the root cause of America’s industrial decline and divining solutions to best redress that decline were addressed in these pages yesterday  as the reader can discern well enough for himself below.






unnamed (1) blue hats 3



  • At Washington, capital city of the terminally self-absorbed, mortal man holds to fleeting, feeble and fallible opinion, God immutable fact.
      • ~~
      • It is my assessment that America is dying inside, being eaten away by the horror of the collapse of the middle orders, the attendant societal and religious values and customs of those orders and the ubiquity of war making for dubious purpose.
      • ~~
      • The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~personally.


      The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


      ~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

      ~~La crema y nata~~


      ~~Artista de la conquista



      In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man. 
      Finis Origine Pendet…
      The escape commences…
      September, 1957
      Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic parochial school, called, by anyone of any background, simply: “Chan~al,” a place where, of an autumn day in 1957, school,  for me,  began and ended in the first convening of the first grade in which a tiny nun, one Sister Dom Bosco, appeared before me, just behind the window appearing at far left of this photograph, and piped out this: “I may be small, but so then, is the Atom Bomb.”
      My determination to escape school commenced immediately on hearing about this Atom Bomb business and took 16 dicey and arduous years to finally accomplish.~~
      Non Sibi
      The escape continues…
      September, 1966
      The Cathedral Latin School
        Finis Origine Pendet
      Κύριε ἐλέησον

      Rejoice and Glad!!





      ~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~



      ~~EX LIBRIS~~
      Wednesday, 6 January, The New Year’s Eve, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2015
      Website: http://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com







      Tweets: @jtdbegg

      “Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he’s the only one who’s sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own.”~~
      French actor~~Alain Delon

      Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
      Seal of The Catholic University of America



      Deus Lux Mea Est


      Acta Est Fabula

      The escape concludes…


      The Catholic University Of America, Washington, District of Columbia.


      1976, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.



      Acta Est Fabula.


      Deus Vult.


      ~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~

      The Queen~~

      Our Queen now 63 years on~~

      Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~

      image002 (20)


Dear Mr. President, all my fellow citizens, it is imperative that we all move together swiftly to adopt an emergency American industrial policy in the national interest.

Dear Mr. President, all my fellow citizens, it is imperative that we all move together swiftly to adopt an emergency American industrial policy in the national interest.  We cannot survive long as a nation without this program.




William Ewart Gladstone, left, was a dominant and controversial figure in Victorian England and the leading British statesman of the 19th century. He served in the British government from the 1830s to the 1890s, and as Prime Minister of Britain on four occasions, he reformed both British government and society.

Ronald Wilson Reagan, right, was the 40th President of the United States. Prior to that, he was the 33rd Governor of California, and a radio, film and television actor. Ronald Reagan. 40th President of the United States. In office. January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989.

English Prime Minister Gladstone and American President Reagan shared a common tongue and a common economic attitude.  Their common tongue is simply down to blood but no scholar has yet been able to educate me as to if Mr. Reagan’s remarkable symmetry of thought with Mr. Gladstone’s earlier attitudes was down to conscious mimicry or mere coincidence.   That said, it is, indubitably, a remarkable bond of thinking between these gentlemen for us to contemplate.


We are all here heavily indebted to Mr. Martin Sieff, Chief Global Analyst at The Globalist Research Center and Editor-at-Large at The Globalist, for his observations, used liberally in this letter to the President and the American people, with specific citation where used, which contribute greatly to an ongoing discussion between myself and Mr. Hedrick Smith, long of The New York Times and late the author of a splendid new book, Who Stole the American Dream?  Many others have put their considerable mental prowess to discerning how best to get a solution to our vexing economic times and we welcome all lucid opinion.


Mr. Smith’s most illustrative book, available at a reasonable and most sensible price today given the strain of the times on American pocketbooks, can be found here:




This note to the President and to all my fellow citizens, is penned that day, plus one, past November 6, 2012.  I am told, now reliably, that the incumbent President has now been re-elected.  This election process has been tumultuous and very emotional for all concerned.

The time for votes counting done, the time for solutions to the dire economic troubles of the nation that vex all of us is at hand.  What to do about our economy?  What best way out of the woods now?

I have put myself to the task of advocating for a new American Industrial Policy for the past year, after careful consideration of what needs to be done in the wake of the Panic of 2008.  I have made myself a bit of a pest but, needs must we all know to say.  And, considering the condition of our industrial base, needs surely must in America today.  Whilst pestering, I have suggested specifically just this:

FDR’s speech demanding articles of War against the Empire of Japan, December 8, 1941, that day, plus  one, past the savage surprise attack. That speech contained fewer than 500 words and took less than 6 minutes to deliver–let’s have our President today demand our Law to save the American economy in 2012 be past with similar brevity and dispatch

The Objective:

The President must call an
emergency joint session of Congress
and that joint session must agree,
the day of the President’s address,
these laws for him to sign that very

• A federal law that eliminates any
and all corporate and other business
taxes on commercial American
flagged enterprises of all sizes for
business conducted inside America.
Simultaneously, all capital expenses
of business, to include plant
building, research and development

and shipping costs incurred by
business, will be fully depreciable in
the year they are incurred.

•A reciprocal law that all tax
reduction benefits thus derived by
business will be used exclusively to
employ American workers inside

America, working in American

businesses and producing American

products and services using
American raw materials. All jobs
now held off shore by American
flagged companies must be brought
home to America immediately.



Various men of letters put forth various ideas as to how the American Industrial base has reached the present, sad and sorry state of affairs.  Mr. Hedrick Smith has many, well-annotated ideas and I commend them to you in his cited book here today, Who Stole The American Dream?  Other, very talented,  men think other things.  The important thing is that collectively we endeavor to understand how we got here and, far more urgently, far, far more pressingly, how we find our way safe home again. I search for solutions. Along the way, just today, I am happy to have this follow quote taken from Mr. Sieff.

I commence to quote Mr. Sieff in his note of today, to me:

Under Reagan’s stewardship, America’s old industrial base, on which the country’s unprecedented economic expansion and prosperity had been centered since the end of the Civil War in 1865, was allowed to collapse and die — without any effort being made to renew it. The nation ultimately became totally dependent on a huge flow of manufactured imports from China instead.

Coincidentally, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and exactly a century before Reagan’s first national victory in 1980, William Ewart Gladstone, the greatest of all Liberal Party leaders, won re- election as prime minister of Britain.

And he then made exactly the same fateful choice to abandon any serious engagement with industrial renewal that Reagan did a century later. Like Reagan, Gladstone bet his country’s future on a policy of unregulated financial speculation and overseas investment instead.

And also like Reagan, Gladstone was a charismatic political tribal leader whose policies, principles and faith were slavishly followed by his successors for decades.

The results were exactly the same. For 200 years, Britain had been the most advanced industrial nation in the world. The growth of its empire and its unparalleled surge in population, per capita prosperity and global power were all based on that industrial supremacy.

But in the next 30 years, as Lord Correlli Barnett documented in his classic book The Collapse of British Power, British industry fell, fatefully and permanently, behind the United States and Germany. It became deeply dependent on continued technology transfusions from both countries.

Like the Reagan-inspired policy of unregulated financial activity, Gladstone’s lasted just around 30 years. The Reagan-induced financial bubble — with a strong helping hand from the Clinton Administration! — finally popped in September 2008.

Gladstone’s dream dissolved with the onset of World War I in 1914. Bereft of sufficient industrial capacity by itself to meet the demands of war with Imperial Germany, the British progressively had to sell off most of the vast swathes of overseas investments they had accumulated since 1880.

Like Jimmy Carter in 1980, Britain’s defeated Prime Minister in 1880, Benjamin Disraeli, recognized the scale of the problems facing his industrialized society. And like Carter he didn’t have any real answers for them. But at least he recognized the problem.

Gladstone, like Reagan (and much of the rest of today’s Republican Party), was an economic naïf and a prophetic Candide. Like Voltaire’s hero, he imagined that everything was for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Gladstone and Reagan simply refused to acknowledge the existence of any facts or trends that contradicted their simplistic, rosy vision of the way things ought to be.

After 1880, British wealth — rather than being invested in the modernization and revival of the home industrial base — flowed out of the country for cheap profit and financial speculation. But this proved unsustainable after 30 years.

After 1980, America’s new leaders followed the same path as Gladstone and his Liberals. After 30 years, the bankruptcy of that policy is becoming apparent too.

I here cease to quote from Mr. Sieff’s note to me of today.

Let all Americans today come together and agree to lay aside our differences in the national interest and to advocate for the passage and enactment of our new American Industrial Policy–M. Alexis de Tocqueville cautioned us to advocate for the things we most need.  Let’s follow his advice to us here:

Alexis de Tocqueville
Thinker and advocate

The President must call an emergency joint session of Congress and that joint session must agree, the day of the President’s address, these laws for him to sign that very day:

*A federal law that eliminates any and all corporate and other business taxes on commercial American flagged enterprises of all sizes for business conducted inside America.  Simultaneously, all capital expenses of business, to include plant building, research and development and shipping costs incurred by business, will be fully depreciable in the year they are incurred.

*A reciprocal law that all tax reduction benefits thus derived by business will be used exclusively to employ American workers inside America, working in American businesses and producing American products and services using American raw materials. All jobs now held off shore by American flagged companies must be brought home to America immediately.

Please see the following four parts film respecting how to best pressure the politicians to do what we all want done:


Let’s work together, all of us, and likewise encourage the President and Congress to adopt our policy and, in so doing,  make America the great industrial giant she has been before and can be again!!

At Washington, DC, 7th November, 2012, Wednesday


john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg

Web site:  https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com



The American Dream has been stolen–Mr Smith and I are sanguine that we speak for the vast majority when we say–the American people want that dream returned by the thieves who stole it!!!


Having discerned that the American Dream has been stolen, Mr. Hedrick Smith and I continue our discussion as to how to induce the thieves to give that dream back to us and to be doing that right away, if you please.

A selection of notes, articles and videos for Monday, 5th November, 2012, constituting a part of a continuing discussion of keen interest to all thoughtful Americans now follows:

My friend Hedrick Smith and I continue our most worthwhile and collegial discussion about how to resurrect the American middle class from the rubble of the Panic of 2008.

We shall hear first from Mr. Smith, recent author of a remarkable book, Who Stole the American Dream, a book I whole-heartily recommend to readers available here at a most reasonable price:


On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Hedrick Smith <hsmithprod@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi John,

Our problem today is not shortage of capital accumulation: since 2008, American business has been sitting on close to $2 trillion of capital generated by its cash c=flow and, as the New York Times reported about a month ago, venture capital funds have raised another $1 trillion in capital but cannot find places to invest it and so they are preparing to return the funds to their investors.

Our problem today is inadequate consumer demand. That is the real job creator in this economy. We need to generate more consumer demand. One way would be for companies to do what Henry Ford did when demand was low in his era, pay their workers more. and share more of their profits with mid0-level employees instead of rewarding the top echelons with massive riches.

Another way would be to require the banks to use their profits from the taxpayer bailout to refinance close to 15 million mortgages that are now under water and release hundreds of billions of dollars in purchasing power (consumer demand) by putting those people into 3.5% loans instead of the 8-9% bubble era loans that they are now stuck in, because they can’t get refinancing.

A third way would be to shift funds form defense spending to reconstruction of our sadly aging and competitively inefficient national transportation network, a project favored by the U.S> Chamber of Commerce and many former corporate CEOs.

So there is much to be done.



PS: And whatever Kennedy said about taxes, what he did was to stimulate growth with a marginal tax rate of 77% and it worked – perhaps an inconvenient fact for those who insist that we must lower taxes our current 35% marginal tax rate even lower, but track record shows that the strong consumer demand of the 1960s was a better engine of growth than the low tax rates of the 2000s.


Hedrick Smith

Dear Rick:

We seem to be hitting the same cylinders now—nicely done–that is progress toward a solution.  The Panic of 2008 did more than destroy large sums of personal and corporate capital.  Far more importantly, it demonstrated to businessmen that they simply do not need as many workers–mainly in the middle rankings–workers who occupied jobs that, if something is not done about it, are never coming back.  This condition will destroy the consumer based America you and I know and love.

In January, I survived a very serious surgery during the convalescence from which I recorded a video and wrote a few articles about what I think needs to be done–immediately–to resurrect the middle class.  Kindly have a look and know when you do that the taping, while amateurish, was designed to get my message on film and to enable me to listen and  to see if my mind is back to being sharp as it had been.

I appreciate your comments on these articles attending and the video likewise–as they absolutely speak to specific solutions to the troubles that most vex you and I and all thinking and deliberative men in our audiences.






john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg

Web site:  https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com



The golden dream is America. Let’s nurture that dream and let it thrive for all and keep the necessary nuisance that is government out-of-the-way of the dream!!

Mike Smith rides the $8.2 million race filly, Royal Delta, to victory in the Ladies Classic Breeders Cup, 2 November 2012.  Racing is the sport of Kings and the, indisputably, most beautiful sport in the world.  It is likewise a sport that can make born wretchedly poor men Kings too in America if America remains the Golden Nation where lucky and enterprising men can achieve their dream.  The filly, Royal Delta is owned by a man, come penniless to America from Cuba, who started as a dishwasher and who, through grit and tenacity, made himself rich as Croesus and Royal Delta is ridden by a lad born to poverty who earns $50 million a year in purse money.  That is the golden dream of America.  Let's nurture that dream and let it thrive for all and keep the necessary nuisance that is government out of the way of the dream!!

Mike Smith rides the $8.5 million race filly, Royal Delta, to victory in the Ladies Classic Breeders Cup, 2 November 2012. Racing is the sport of Kings and the, indisputably, most beautiful sport in the world. It is likewise a sport that can make born wretchedly poor men Kings too in America if America remains the Golden Nation where lucky and enterprising men can achieve their dream. The filly, Royal Delta is owned by a man, South Florida businessman Benjamin Leon, come penniless save $5 in pocket, to America from Cuba, who started as a dishwasher and who, through grit and tenacity, made himself rich as Croesus and Royal Delta is ridden by a lad born to poverty who earns $50 million a year in purse money. That is the golden dream of America. Let’s nurture that dream and let it thrive for all and keep the necessary nuisance that is government out-of-the-way of the dream!!

Icily indifferent to the perverse entertainment that is American elections, my friend Rick Smith asks of me more specificity as to Jack Kennedy’s tax proposals and, in same vein, Dr. Steve and young Daniel have called me jesuitical. They have presented a compelling case for the Crown, now is the turn of the defense.

Yesterday afternoon, I sent my friend Rick Smith this note to read about Jack Kennedy’s tax policy attitudes:


 Rick himself has penned a masterly work, most in need of reading by all enlightened men–Who Stole the American Dream, to be found at a very reasonable price for what is a great deal of alacrity in his reporting of a most startling story here:


Last night, Rick wrote back to me about my commentary respecting Jack Kennedy and taxes–these observations of Rick’s own–for which I thank him:

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 12:53 AM, Hedrick Smith wrote:

Hi John,

But Kennedy’s top marginal tax rate was 77% vs today’s 35%, and the nation’s economic growth rates of 3-4% during his Administration were ones that we would die to achieve today, whether under George W. Bush or Barack Obama,, when the top marginal tax rate is 35%. So you have left that enormous fact out of all the words that you quoted. How about making the record more complete?

Kind regards,

Hedrick Smith

I must here hasten to add that I have been similarly admonished–even upbraided, by others– to dig deeper in like manner by young Daniel and, more vociferously, Dr. Steve–who suggests I have been jesuitical in my selective use of pull quotes from JFK on taxes–Jesuitical!!–Steve–I can’t even think where a nice lad such as yourself ever encountered a word such as jesuitical –we need to discuss that privately!!

At events, I have this morning responded to all these fellows as follows:

Dear Rick:

I agree with you and others–I do–respecting how high taxes were–most particularly in the marginal brackets when young Jack Kennedy came to Washington to lead us–and my response to you and others in brief is that, rather than specific tax policy and such like, what needs to be addressed is ideas–specifically–what is America–what do we want her to become if she has lost her way? If she is lost, how does she find her way home? How did she become what she is today–this is what you talk about Rick, in your superlative book, Who Stole the American Dream– and likewise what I talk about– from different points of vantage–and in different venues.

My point of vantage is to encourage capital accumulation at all levels and to foster a view of government as a necessary nuisance–not a higher calling. The message from JFK was that tax rates are, in their very conception, detrimental to the very concept of growth and prosperity–so they need to be as small as possible.

I do not go to the ideal of Dr. Paul who wants a 1910’s America–but–incidentally, attend gentlemen that–if Americans understood the concept of 1910’s America–the candidate who promises to lead them to that land would be President in a landslide–an America with a wall around the country–no military entanglements but for cases in which we are directly attacked–no involvement in international institutions of any kind–and, as Will Rodgers would say of his political philosophy—“leave the people the hell alone.” But that is an ideal. The trouble we have in this city in my 60 years of viewing it is that attitudes have changed here to where, rather than being viewed as a necessary nuisance–and keeping the nuisance as small and unobtrusive as possible–this city now venerates government–this is wretched excess of the extreme other end.

Bored insensate by the elections of 2012, I have spent summer with Mr Jefferson who, dreamt an admittedly childlike dream of–no government at all. He had seen the ravages of poverty, helplessness and ceaseless war-mongering in the Empires of Europe first hand and had no taste for government–at all. Like Dr Paul, he was an idealist and juvenile–for–of course, we must have some government–but let’s agree it is a nuisance–and keep it as small and insignificant as possible.

Rick–I am interested in your notions of the new economy and how that has frozen wages and capabilities for social advancement in the lower and middle orders. I want to explore that more with you–specifically–what you propose to do about it. Again–before action, before policy–there must come the idea–what is the idea you want to put forward, your having dissected the problem–that is–how to undo that which was both deliberately and inadvertently done to kill the American Dream for most Americans–your message of the conception of the tiny seed that became the ubiquitous cancer of 401Ks is an entertaining and riveting tale–but what to do to redress that horror? It may be that as, your initial background was as a reporter, you feel compelled to report facts–but we need to go beyond the facts to divine solutions.

This massive asset separation between the middle and lower orders and the higher order is troublesome to many–including myself, because that is the destruction of the dream. How to get the dream back–that is the task–you have laid good groundwork in describing the trouble–I likewise think and write on these things from other angles–but–we both need to put heads together and discern the solution to the problem of, the now codified, spread of assets between the middle and lower orders and the upper order.

Here’s specificity–the past 2 days have been a showcase of horse racing at the very highest levels at Santa Anita in Arcadia, California. On one level, this, my sport, my true passion, truly is the sport of Kings–literally. That said, 2 of the races were won by horses owned by men who came to America literally penniless–one Cuban, one Italian–and they are not now that old either!!- and they started here as dishwashers and such like and they are now rich as Croesus. Add to that–ALL of the jockey boys riding come directly from Hell itself: rural Peru, Argentina–all over South and Central America where they grew up in poverty that Americans cannot possibly imagine–and the top boys earn–$30-$40 million a year in purses–so the DREAM LIVES–the issue at bar with us is how to let more people, in the now overburdened and truly demoralized middle and lower orders generally, have a clear shot at that Dream once again–if they want to take it. I suspect fiddling with tax codes may play some sort of part but it is more a function of putting the requisite number of men with functioning brains together at the table to figure a way for that Dream to once again be returned to the great mass of men–some–but not all–of whom desire to have their Dream fulfilled.

Let’s meet up soon–ideas move mountains–whilst tax codes and the like, you are correct, are simply emblematic of good or bad ideas. As you and I are on page to a large extent–from different points of vantage yes, but on page in that we want that Dream returned to potentially all Americans–let’s try to work together to get the discussion going as to how to best make that return to the American Economic Eden possible for all once again.

As for government–her job is to be a small and polite nuisance and to otherwise stay out-of-the-way to the greatest extent possible so that the miracle of America, that to this day continues to draw immigrants from all shores, can come to the homes and hearths of as many of her citizens as possible.



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