The American President is not too powerful. The American President is not powerful enough.

The Americans have a very real problem because the President is so weak he cannot do anything in a real crisis.


This is intentional.


We all understand why he is kept weak…


But..Do we then simply do nothing about jobs and war?


I say..




Categorically, emphatically:




I advocate that we: Permanently flood the country with good jobs…not government jobs–private sector jobs–real jobs–bring them back home from overseas, via forced repatriation, in exchange for tax write downs–I could have everybody in this country in a good, well compensated job in 6 months–it’s not hard–you simply need a strong leader with the backing of the people.


It’s a problem because the President is, intentionally, a very weak man, a figurehead, and hasn’t very much unilateral authority…but the jobs situation in America is crisis critical.


The Americans need it put to them directly:


Do you want the Executive to have enough power to take definitive and decisive action in times of grave peril such as those in which we now find ourselves, or no?


The American people must directly decide this matter.


The concern of course, of both the American founders and of present day Americans, is the avoidance of the possibility of a President’s taking on of Napoleonic trappings and aspirations.
This is a real concern to be sure.
Consideration of concern for the taking on of Napoleonic trappings must factor into any lucid decision on the part of the Americans as to if or no the power vested in the Executive be modified to allow for extraordinary circumstances.
All Presidents have chaffed under what they, likely rightly, see as having a position that is all, “ruffles and flourishes,” as Jack Kennedy put it to his press secretary, Pierre Salinger, to whom Jack confided one morning six months or so after assuming office:
“I can’t get a goddamn thing done!!”
I was just upstairs shaving and I looked into the glass and said, out loud to myself, “I can’t get a goddamn thing done!!”
It’s all ruffles and flourishes.”
Pierre Salinger responded:
“You finally figured the job out, huh, kid?”
This is a cute story and illustrative of the present point:
If the Executive simply can’t “get a goddamn thing done,” who can lead the Americans in time of crisis and if the President were made de jure Executive ne plus ultra in American politics, what checks on his potentially chaotic Napoleonic whimsies would there be?
As this is virgin territory for the Americans, there is no ready answer and as a people, they must tread very lightly here.
One likes to think of course that the men the Americans elect are responsible and not recklessly Napoleonic, but what certainty do we have that pleasant and responsible trait of character will hold in future time?
Dictators do emerge and one might well do, in part, perhaps in large part, attracted by the very additional power advocated for here this morning.
So, it is a change in the order of things that is very serious indeed for the Americans to make concerning the function of things in the Executive Branch and most appropriately ought to be made after a thorough weighing of the pros and cons of the proposal in a general plebiscite and the only legitimate purpose of an affirmative response to the plebiscite would have to be a collective assessment that America is in a dreadful mess, checkmated as to power and in need of just the sort of de jure political ne plus ultra Executive envisioned by the plebiscite.
It is my assessment that America is dying inside, being eaten away by the horror of the collapse of the middle orders, the attendant societal and religious values and customs of those orders and the ubiquity of war making for dubious purpose.
For those reasons alone, I suggest the idea of the plebiscite envisioned:
To give the Executive free reign to act in time of dire national emergency, after first consulting the people directly and receiving their blessing to act.

As for the war machine, we need to be capable of defending ourselves but must discourage promiscuous use of warfare…strike only when we’ve been struck or know for sure we are going to be struck–hit hard, hit a lot and then–GET OUT and STAY OUT.



      • Mortal man holds to fleeting, feeble and fallible opinion.  God holds to immutable fact.
      • ~~
      • It is my assessment that America is dying inside, being eaten away by the horror of the collapse of the middle orders, the attendant societal and religious values and customs of those orders and the ubiquity of war making for dubious purpose.
      • ~~
      • The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~personally.


      The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


      ~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

      ~~La crema y nata~~


      ~~Artista de la conquista



      In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man. 
      Finis Origine Pendet…
      The escape commences…
      September, 1957
      Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic parochial school, called, by anyone of any background, simply: “Chan~al,” a place where, of an autumn day in 1957, school,  for me,  began and ended in the first convening of the first grade in which a tiny nun, one Sister Dom Bosco, appeared before me, just behind the window appearing at far left of this photograph, and piped out this: “I may be small, but so then, is the Atom Bomb.”
      My determination to escape school commenced immediately on hearing about this Atom Bomb business and took 16 dicey and arduous years to finally accomplish.~~
      Non Sibi
      The escape continues…
      September, 1966
      The Cathedral Latin School
        Finis Origine Pendet
      Κύριε ἐλέησον

      Rejoice and Glad!!





      ~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~



      ~~EX LIBRIS~~
      Thursday Morning, 14th Mai, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2015

      Tweets: @jtdbegg
      “Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he’s the only one who’s sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own.”~~
      French actor~~Alain Delon

      Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
      Seal of The Catholic University of America



      Deus Lux Mea Est


      Acta Est Fabula

      The escape concludes…


      The Catholic University Of America, Washington, District of Columbia.


      1976, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.



      Acta Est Fabula.


      Deus Vult.


      ~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~

      The Queen~~

      Our Queen now 63 years on~~

      Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~

      image002 (20)