Of these seven rules here enumerated, rule 4 is the most prescient of today’s world~it leads man to God out of simple desperation alone~to which I say~as long as you got to HIM~who cares who carried you there~


Of these seven rules here enumerated, rule 4 is the most prescient of today’s world~~it leads man to God out of simple desperation alone~~to which I say~as long as you got to HIM~~who cares who carried you there~~


Almighty GOD~Saviour and Redeemer~~

In a world altogether off Her moorings, turn to HIM in your hour of desperation~~hear HIS knock upon your door~~and answer the door~~HE will comfort you in this age of sadness~~


image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Friday, 27th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064





Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


Of these seven rules enumerated, rule 4 is the most prescient of today’s world~~it leads man to God out of simple desperation alone~~to which I say~~as long as you got to HIM~~who cares who carried you there~~



In a world altogether off Her moorings, turn to HIM in your hour of desperation~~hear HIS knock upon your door~~and answer the door~~HE will comfort you in this age of sadness~~

Senor Barilla’s company makes charming adverts selling both a product and an idea that is sadly absent in America and the world~coy innocence~of home, hearth, boy meets girl and falling in love over a good meal~of course today this innocence cannot be allowed to stand~so it is under attack~if you find Senor Barilla’s product and message charming as I do~show your hand~buy a box of Barilla today~


In our depraved age in which even spaghetti is politicized, Barilla is a company with both a good product and a good message~~the sensible conclusion~~Buy Barilla America~~

 A most~~welcomely~~sweet advert for an increasingly tasteless world~~have a look and a listen~~and a bite into some Barilla~~


Senor Barilla’s company makes charming adverts selling both a product and an idea that is sadly absent in America and the world~coy innocence~of home, hearth, boy meets girl and falling in love over a good meal~of course today this innocence cannot be allowed to stand~so it is under attack~if you find Senor Barilla’s product and message charming as I do~show your hand~buy a box of Barilla today~




image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Friday, 27th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064





Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com



Senor Barilla’s company makes charming adverts selling both a product and an idea that is sadly absent in America and the world~coy innocence~of home, hearth, boy meets girl and falling in love over a good meal~of course today this innocence cannot be allowed to stand~so it is under attack~if you find Senor Barilla’s product and message charming as I do~show your hand~buy a box of Barilla today~

While well~heeled Americans fret over classroom abstractions~~normal Americans wonder where to get the rent~~due next Tuesday, 1st October, 2013~~


While well~heeled Americans fret over classroom abstractions~~normal Americans wonder where to get the rent~~due next Tuesday, 1st October, 2013~~



The American National debt is an academic abstraction~~only people with too much money, idle time and no pressing worries of consequence would even bother to discuss it~~if America is not soon flooded with good paying, permanent jobs~~you won’t have to worry about the debt at all~~you will be far too busy trying to survive revolution.

The solution to  the American jobs cancer is de-globalization~~the forced repatriation of all off shored jobs back to America in exchange for tax write-downs to business~~stood beside the jobs issue–all issues–debt, immigration, health care~~are as nothing–they can all be solved by de-globalization–reciprocally–without de-globalization–solutions to all the other problems combined would be as nothing~~


image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Thursday, 26th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064





Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com



She’s employed~~she’s a happy girl~~and America~~my dears~~needs to be inundated with millions more just like her~~

Courtesy to us ~~

Prevention News

More Americans Report Job Satisfaction

News Pulse: Does Your Boss Make You Happy?

Why a pat on the back really matters

By Katie Drummond

Nana told me~when I was in knee-pants that~the longer a man’s title~the more dubious his occupation~that said~would you be proud or embarrassed to go home to the the little woman tonight with news of your being named to this position~

 s (1) MH900422530

U.S. Department of Labor – Employment Standard Administration – Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs – Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation


image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Tuesday, 24th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064





Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


Not to forget our boys in blue~~


~~they have some long titles too~~

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Force~~


Incest, founding fathers, most loving daughters, dueling pistols and nettlesome fiscal cliffs in far off New Jersey~


Mr Hamilton was a brilliant, tireless, striving, vain, recklessly brave, conniving and cunning man~~just the sort one expects in banking at New York~~even at the birth of the American Nation~~he died at the point of Mr Burr’s dueling pistol in far off New Jersey~~but not before he made a lasting, permanent, impression on the monetary and fiscal policies of America~~and left for us an indelible image~~recognized instantly to all this very day~~whenever we spy a sawbuck~~


Theodosia Burr Alston~~

The girl in question~~much, much, beloved of her father~~but to just how great an extent~~asked Mr. Hamilton~~rakishly~~swankishly~~very dangerously~~

Theodosia Burr Alston

  This image is in the public domain because under United States copyright laworiginality of expression is necessary for copyright protection, and a mere photograph of an out-of-copyright two-dimensional work may not be protected under American copyright law. The official position of the Wikimedia Foundation is that all reproductions of public domain works should be considered to be in the public domain regardless of their country of origin (even in countries where mere labor is enough to make a reproduction eligible for protection).


Papa Burr

Armed, hot headed, agitated and much aggrieved, Mr Burr called Mr Hamilton out to the dueling fields of New Jersey, that enterprise by then forbidden in Our Nation’s first Capital of New York~~and~~there Burr shot Hamilton to death~~


 Acta est fabula, plaudite!~~It is not recorded in the Histories if the death of America’s first chief money man, the diminutive Mr Hamilton, caused a government shutdown~~even symbolically and short-lived~~but it is recorded that he died of Mr Burr’s dueling pistol~~far, far away from civilization~~in New Jersey~

American fiscal condition from the time of The Revolutionary War to the present day suggests some useful axioms of economic life for us~~


We thank The Atlantic Magazine and their Mr Matt Phillips for their useful charts and analysis commencing now~~


The Long Story of U.S. Debt, From 1790 to 2011, in 1 Little Chart

NOV 13 2012, 6:00 PM ET

As the high-stakes wrangling over the fiscal cliff gets underway, we though it might be the proper moment to remind everybody just how the United States managed to become the world’s biggest debtor.

So, here’s how.


The US was born in debt. The earliest full reckoning of US national debt was compiled by Alexander Hamilton, the first US Treasury Secretary, who was sort of like the Nate Silver of his era–a self-taught economist.

The analysis dates to 1790 and puts the newborn US at around a 30% debt-to-GDP ratio, with the debt a bit higher than $75 million. Where did that debt come from? Well, the Continental Congress, the rough equivalent of the Federal government in revolution-era America, lacked the power to tax. It first tried to pay for stuff by printing money. This currency, known as the Continental, collapsed. The nascent US government also raised cash by borrowing under all sorts of authorities. This National Bureau of Economic Research working paper lists them:

These included certificates issued by the Registrar of the Treasury, the Commissioners of Loans of the States, the Commissioners for the adjustment of accounts of the Quartermaster, Commissary, Hospital, Clothing and Marine Departments, the Paymaster General, and the Commissioner of Army Accounts. In addition, interest on these certificates had often been paid in further certificates known as ‘indents of interest.’

All in, the US owed about $11.7 million to foreigners, mostly to Dutch bankers and the French government, and about $42 million to domestic creditors. The states also had a ton of debt (about $25 million, Hamilton reckoned), which the Federal Government assumed–take a hint, euro zone!–in 1790.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was laser-focused on the debt, not so much to pay it off, but rather just to ensure that the fledging government could make all its payments to creditors. How? Well, tariffs and taxes. Americans were cool with that? No, 0f course not. People hated it. After all, the country had just fought a war inspired in part by a revolt against the taxation imposed by the British.

But the federal government stuck to its guns, literally suppressing an armed anti-tax uprising in western Pennsylvania in 1794, known as the Whiskey Rebellion. Meanwhile, the economy grew, helping to shrink debt-to-GDP. Later on, Hamilton’s arch-nemesis, Thomas Jefferson, was even more focused on paying off the debt as fast as possible, driving US debt-to-GDP below 10%. All this work was undone, when the US had to borrow heavily to finance the war of 1812.


The next major surge in debt coincided with the US Civil War. The federal government was nearly debt-free before the war. The public debt surged from about $65 million in 1860 to $2.76 billion in 1866. (The Lincoln administration also signed into law the first income tax in the country’s history in 1862, which was repealed 10 years later.) The debt would never get below $900 million again. But a surge of late-19th-century economic growth, with a bit of inflation, helped the US gradually reduce the the Civil War debt as a percentage of economic output.


Again, from a GDP perspective, the US was virtually debt-free before sending the doughboys to France. In 1916, as a share of the economy the debt accounted for just 2.7% . The surge in debt associated with World War I was financed largely by selling bonds to the US public. (By the time the US entered the war, pretty much all the other major powers were already in it up to their necks, and thus, didn’t have any money to lend.)

In the aftermath of the war, the Uncle Sam hit a new record high debt-to-GDP of about 33%, with more than $25 billion in debts, or about $334 billion in today’s dollars. But with a combination of budget surpluses, expenditures aimed explicitly at paying off debt early, and payments from the losers of war, the US made significant progress in whittling the debt down. It fell by more than $9 billion by 1930, a reduction of more than a third.

This period coincided with a period of Republican dominance in the US, in which taxes were cut repeatedly from high wartime levels. But at the same time there was widespread agreement that taxes had to be sufficient to pay down the debt.

It’s also worth noting that this is the period when the US congress effectively ceded a large part of its authority over how much the country borrows. Before World War I, the Congress voted to approve the individual debt sales that were used to finance projects like the construction of the Panama canal and the the Spanish-American war. To give the Treasury more flexibility to raise money during World War I, the Congress agreed to set an overall limit to what the Treasury could borrow, but not to demand a say on each individual sale of Treasury bonds. That overall limit is the ancestor of the debt limit that was the source of so much consternation in late 2011.


This is really the start of the very familiar political arguments about the role of government spending and economic growth. The chart above shows the relationship between debt and growth. As the size, scope and role of government changed drastically under Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, the US posted its biggest-ever peacetime debt increase. The debt jumped by 150% from 1930 to 1939, when it was at around $40.44 billion (about $673 billion in today’s money.) At the same time, the economy–the bottom of the formula–collapsed, as did government revenues, which suffered from lower economic activity. The result? A new debt-to-GDP record of 44% in 1934. And this was all before Pearl Harbor.


The debt-to-GDP ratio hit its all-time record of 113% by war’s end. Debt was at$241.86 billion in 1946, about $2.87 trillion in current dollars. Unlike after World War I, the US never really tried to pay down much of the debt it incurred during World War II. Still the debt shrank in significance as the US economy grew. It would take the debt-to-GDP ratio until 1962 just to get back to where the US was before the war. And with some fits and starts the debt load declined until hitting its recent low in 1974 at 24%, when the debt outstanding held by the public was $343.7 billion ($1.61 trillion, in current dollars.)


Debt-to-GDP began another upswing in the early 1980s, when the US fell into a particularly nasty recession, set off by the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker, who raised interest rates to record heights in order to defeat inflation. Government receipts flattened thanks in part to the large, permanent tax cuts that served as one of the top accomplishments of President Ronald Reagan’s first term. Spending jumped on both defense and social programs. Deficits exploded, breaking with the US tradition of only running large deficits during wartime. Debt-to-GDP began to climb and it hit a postwar peak of more than 49% in the early 1990s. In 1995, the publicly held debt outstanding was about $3.6 trillion (or $5.47 trillion, in today’s money).  After that, a surge of economic growth, and increased revenues–thanks in part to the 1990 tax increases that cost the first President George Bush re-election and tax increases pushed through by the Clinton administration –helped bend the trajectory of the debt load back into line.


The debt-load continued to look increasingly manageable throughout the late 1990s, and it hit its recent low of less than 33% of GDP in 2001. At that point,things looked so good on the debt front, that some were projecting the US would be within striking distance of eliminating the entire debt within a decade. It didn’t work out that way.

A recession, combined with tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 championed by President George W. Bush, severely crimped revenue. At the same time, spending surged both on military outlays after Sept. 11 and on domestic programs such as an expensive prescription-drug benefit for senior citizens. As a result. US borrowing shot higher to finance the Bush Administration’s efforts to stabilize the banking system as the economy teetered on the brink in 2008. Total government debt available to be traded publicly rose from $3.41 trillion in December 2000 to $5.80 trillion in December 2008, an increase of 70%; the debt-to-GDP ratio went up from 34.7% in 2000 to 40.5% in 2008.


The great recession was the perfect storm to blow debt-to-GDP ratios skyward. GDP tumbled. That means that even without a spending increase, debt-to-GDP would have jumped sharply. Moreover, government revenues shrank to their lowest level since 1950 — as a percentage of GDP — because business activity declined; that meant that debt levels would have to rise, even without spending increases. And there were indeed spending increases. For instance, in 2009, outlays increased to more than 25% of GDP, the highest level since World War II.  That number declined somewhat, to 24.1%, where it rested in both 2010 and 2011. The U.S. started 2012 with $10.48 trillion in publicly traded debt. And by the end of last week, it was $11.42 trillion.


Because on top of the roughly $11.4 trillion in US government debt, which can be bought and sold and is floating around in financial markets, there’s also nearly $5 trillion in debt that the US government owes to itself. Those are largely obligations to the trust funds that are used to pay for programs such as Social Security. These aren’t counted in debt-to-GDP charts published here, and are often excluded from such calculations. But if you did include this debt–and there’s an argument to be made that we should, since the government is on the hook to pay these claims–the US debt-to-GDP ratio was just under 100% at the end of 2011.

So what does that mean? Here’s where we get into some arguments. Some economists say that the empirical record suggests that a debt-to-GDP ratio this high is bad for long-term economic growth because the borrowing costs become a drag on other government spending. Others argue that such observations aren’t that helpful because it isn’t as if large build-ups of debt always come before economic slowdowns. Sometimes large buildups of debt sometimes result from shocks to economic growth–such as massive collapses in the financial system.

Still, many people are looking at Japan as a potential cautionary tale of for the US. Japan suffered its own real-estate bubble, bust, and banking failure in the early 1990s. Its debt-to-GDP has surged to more than 200% in recent years. Back in the mid-1980s, it was around 50%. And for what it’s worth, it’s not as if the Japanese economy shows signs of gathering long-term strength any time soon.


Well~~Oh, dear me~~This Nipponese business just last part~~That’s not particularly encouraging is it~~yet~~of course~~we thank our guests today for graciously stopping by with all this very useful historical data for us to consider and discuss in our group~~


image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Monday, 23rd September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com

American fiscal condition from the time of The Revolutionary War to the present day suggests some useful axioms of economic life for us~


 Incest is one of those topics that~~when addressed publicly~~must be handled very gingerly~~or perhaps best~~not at all~~but our Mr Hamilton, small of stature, long of ego, publicly suggested that Mr. Burr~even more the hot head~~was bedding his own daughter~~Theodosia~~said to be pretty~~for her day, anyway~~and this all lead to~~inevitably~~as these things must~~New Jersey~~Mr. Burr having called Mr Hamilton out for his offense~~and in New Jersey, Mr. Burr shot our Mr Hamilton dead~~but not before Mr. Hamilton had a profound effect on both the monetary and fiscal policies of our infant nation~~

If young Bob Kennedy~an irredeemably ambitious boy~had any conception the ferocity of the Nationalist American Revolution now soon to come to America~would he have~joined it~fled it~fought it~lead it~or hidden from it~Recall what history teaches us~Ambitious men have no core tenets of belief~they seize the day~be very careful America~watch attentively who seizes the coming day of thunder and fire~


Photograph showing Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy speaking to a crowd of blacks and whites through a megaphone outside the Justice Department; sign for Congress of Racial Equality is prominently displayed.

Photo credit~~Leffler, Warren K.

14 June, 1963


The Call Up~~

Wolves of Nationalist American Revolution crouch now at the gates of Washington.  They can not be fed treats any longer to insure their timidity. They can not be forced away.  They will enter the city.  They will sack the city.   All the evil men of the city who live now the gai life~~off the labored sweat of others~~will be as feast for the ravenous wolves of The Nationalist American Revolution~~


If young Bob Kennedy~~an irredeemably ambitious boy~~had any conception the ferocity of the Nationalist American Revolution now soon to come to America~~would he have joined it~~fled it~~fought it~~lead it~~or hidden from it~~


Ambitious men have no core tenets of belief~~they seize the day~~be very careful America~~watch attentively who seizes the coming day of thunder and fire~~


This is certain, Bob Kennedy had his~~highly successful~~revolution of the Left these 50 years past~~now is the turn of the Right~~comes now the turn of the Nationalist Americans~~


Of his own~~Leftist Revolution, Bob Kennedy had this to say~~

“A revolution is coming — a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough — But a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”

Senator Bob Kennedy in a speech to The United States Senate~


And, now, my dears, in like manner, so it shall now be with the Nationalist Revolution of the Right~~


Bob Kennedy was a leader of a highly successful 50 year revolution of the Left.  That revolution is now spent, exhausted, wasted.  A hallowed husk.

Comes now The Nationalist Revolution of the Right~it will be brutal, swift, irreversible and uncompromising.

Those who will make up this nationalist revolution will have a Manifesto shortly~~but they needn’t have one~~they all know what that Manifesto is~~it is a counter-revolution against the Left~~


One lone wolf will lead~~and~~America~~will heed~~



image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Sunday, 22nd September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com

download (25)

The Call Up~~

Wolves of Nationalist American Revolution crouch now at the gates of Washington.  They can not be fed treats any longer to insure their timidity. They can not be forced away.  They will enter the city.  They will sack the city.   All the evil men of the city who live now the gai life~~off the labored sweat of others~~will be as feast for the ravenous wolves of The Nationalist American Revolution~~

Ambitious men have no core tenets of belief~~they seize the day~~be very careful America~~watch attentively who seizes the coming day of thunder and fire~~


Saturday night fevers~are we being mislead as to inflation rates in the Americas, my dears?

Haunting history: A series of intimate black and white photographs taken in 1912 by E.J. Bellocq reveal how prostitutes in New Orleans' red-light district of Storyville lived more than a century ago
I love her socks~~I do~~but $50???~~the Americans today are working men~~and hard pressed~~for spare cash~~
The gentlemen of the government tell the gentlemen of the press to tell us that inflation is fully controlled~~but~~I gotta ask~~if this is so~~how do these gentlemen explain the absurd cost of $50 for something as rudimentary as doin’ the wild thing?The gentlemen of the government tell the gentlemen of the press to tell us that inflation is fully controlled~~but~… http://t.co/DZ4UhUn5SPWild Thing
Wild Thing, a song by Tone-Loc on Spotify.

Show less



image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Saturday, 21st September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


Saturday night fevers~are we being mislead as to inflation rates in the Americas, dears?

Down time: From luxurious palaces to decaying shacks, the images show several prostitutes lounging about playing cards, reclining amongst pillows, or having a drinkDown time: From luxurious palaces to decaying shacks, the images show several prostitutes lounging about playing cards, reclining amongst pillows, or having a drink
  Poker players: Bellocq, who dies in 1949, took dozens of portraits inside the brothels of Storyville - the only legalized red-light district in North America, until it was shut down in 1917

Poker players: Bellocq, who dies in 1949, took dozens of portraits inside the brothels of Storyville – the only legalized red-light district in North America, until it was shut down in 1917

While dreaming over true love~~Jacks are always better to open~~

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2299994/The-girls-Storyville-Haunting-pictures-New-Orleans-red-light-district-reveal-prostitutes-lived-100-years-ago.html#ixzz2fZpv0RBA
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Saturday night fevers~are we being mislead as to inflation rates in the Americas, dears?

Lest we become afflicted with the premier social disease of our day~~self love~~a reminder attends us~


Lest we become afflicted with the premier social disease of our day~~self love~~this reminder tonight attends us~~



image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Tuesday, 17th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
an oil painting by Jusepe de Ribera (1642)

St. Francis of Assisi (ItalianSan Francesco d’Assisi, born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, but nicknamed Francesco (“the Frenchman”) by his father, 1181/1182 – October 3, 1226) was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He founded the men’s Order of Friars Minor, the women’s Order of St. Clare, and the Third Order of Saint Francis for men and women not able to live the lives of itinerant preachers followed by the early members of the Order of Friars Minor or the monastic lives of the Poor Clares. Though he was never ordained to the Catholic priesthood, Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in history.

Francis’ father was Pietro di Bernardone, a prosperous silk merchant. Francis lived the high-spirited life typical of a wealthy young man, even fighting as a soldier for Assisi.While going off to war in 1204, Francis had a vision that directed him back to Assisi, where he lost his taste for his worldly life. On a pilgrimage to Rome, he joined the poor in begging at St. Peter’s Basilica. The experience moved him to live in poverty. Francis returned home, began preaching on the streets, and soon amassed a following. His Order was authorized by Pope Innocent III in 1210. He then founded the Order of Poor Clares, which became an enclosed religious order for women, as well as the Order of Brothers and Sisters of Penance (commonly called the Third Order).

In 1219, he went to Egypt in an attempt to convert the Sultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades. By this point, the Franciscan Order had grown to such an extent that its primitive organizational structure was no longer sufficient. He returned to Italy to organize the Order. Once his community was authorized by the Pope, he withdrew increasingly from external affairs. In 1223, Francis arranged for the first Christmas manger scene. In 1224, he received the stigmata,  making him the first recorded person to bear the wounds of Christ’s Passion. He died during the evening hours of October 3, 1226, while listening to a reading he had requested of Psalm 140.

On July 16, 1228, he was pronounced a saint by Pope Gregory IX. He is known as the patron saint of animals, the environment, and is one of the two patron saints of Italy (with Catherine of Siena). It is customary for Catholic and Anglican churches to hold ceremonies blessing animals on his feast day of October 4. He is also known for his love of the Eucharist, his sorrow during the Stations of the Cross, and for the creation of the Christmas crèche or Nativity Scene.~~

Lest we become afflicted with the premier social disease of our day~~self love~~this reminder tonight attends us~~

Politics in America is a flat out horse race~and nothing else~and any inch of advantage helps~today~we engage a discussion about how best to win precious inches~when the whip comes down~


While politics remains ever a horse race~~and will never be anything but that~~tactics and strategies do change and some of those, new, technical, changes are annotated by our friends in the follow note~~and they matter~~as~~racing can be a razor close affair~~

Sometimes~~your horse wins easily~~under his own power~~within himself~~but that’s very rare~~so don’t ever bank on it~~do your homework~~prepare~~and be ready always for a dog~~fight~~


Big Data Is Watching You: Finding Likely Voters in Unlikely Places

Candidates come knocking on digital doors.

By Jordan Lieberman 9/03 7:54pm

Using Big Data and voter data, political ad firms will find you. (Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

Using Big Data and voter data, political ad firms will find you. (Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

This year, my company will be responsible for tens of millions of dollars of online advertising, including the three biggest elections of 2013. I don’t care so much what website you’re visiting. I’ll find you, and all the other likely voters like you.

Using a few data points to target messages has been standard practice in politics for decades. Likely voters get robocalls, direct mail and visits at home from idealistic college kids looking to make a difference. If you’re not a potential voter, you’re dead to me. What’s new this time? Big Data and voter data got married and named their baby the National Online Voter File. The combination of the two spawned new voter-targeting ideas that give candidates literally millions of options.

The best part about all the news surrounding diffusion of President Barack Obama’s data machine is that it has created lots of demand by groups that don’t have the access to that brainpower. However, the news that the Obama Geek Squad generates is focused on its analytical prowess in minimizing inefficiencies with television advertising, not necessarily on its ability to deliver online advertising based on that data deep-dive. That’s where we come in: We take good data and use it to stick display and video ads on your laptops and mobile devices.

All you need to know is that audience targeting changed everything in politics. The concept is to advertise to an audience wherever they are, like likely voting, independent, college-educated women with kids in a specific zip code, versus buying ads on mommy blogs and hoping for the best. In practice, the Virginia gubernatorial election will be won or lost by who can best target ads to professional women in Arlington and Alexandria. No amount of ads in The Washington Post will make up for nonexistent targeting.

Here’s the math: Let’s say a gubernatorial candidate wanted to run online ads targeting Republican women who have voted in at least one of the last four elections. There are about 8.2 million people living in Virginia; however, only around a half a million of them are in that select group. Without targeting your message, 94 percent of the ads would be sent to the wrong people. That is where audience targeting comes in. We’re buying the audience of the half-million Republican women who have voted in one the last four elections.

That’s good news for the creative teams making great ads—they’ll be making an increasing number of them and delivering them to increasingly narrow slices of the electorate. The bad news is that making great political ads says nothing about your skill at making sure the right people see them.

The technological leap we’ve made is matching that voter file to the Internet so online ads can be as accurate as the phone calls, mail and knocks on your front door. Instead of buying adson websites, we’re buying audiences. The technology is spreading, but you won’t notice the difference. While you’re seeing an ad for Christine Quinn, your unlikely-voting neighbor sees a Neiman Marcus ad. At the exact same time, an outside independent expenditure group that’s supporting Christine Quinn may have determined that your other neighbor, who is likely to vote but not for Ms. Quinn, might be seeing an ad for Bill de Blasio or against Bill Thompson, if the strategists and buyers have determined that a pro-Bill D or anti-Bill T vote helps Ms. Quinn’s goal.

What you will notice is that voter-targeted political advertising is now spreading through places you might not expect. Facebook opened up its walled garden to cookie-based advertising last year. We are voter-targeting inside LinkedIn and AT&T mobile devices.

Need to target likely-voting Democrats while they play “Words With Friends”? Reach low-income moms in target districts to weigh in on milk price-support legislation. What about likely voters who do not have health insurance? That’s now on the menu.

Most of the fancier mobile ads we’re handling are distributed through apps and games and mainly on the iPhone and Android. (Many players haven’t bothered with BlackBerry.) This is where the most innovation is occurring. Combining the National Online Voter File with geo-fencing lets us deliver ads that differ by neighborhood and voter type. When a Democrat enters Chinatown, he sees one ad; when an independent voter sets foot in Queens, she’ll get a different set of ads.  And when a likely voting Latina travels throughout the city, our ads follow her wherever she goes. Our partners at AT&T have been doing good work to create ad units for mobile devices and tablets that get your attention without making you want to pound your phone into the pavement.

BEING THE LARGEST voter-targeted online buying platform in the U.S. provides perspective. The change in attitude and understanding of online audience targeting happened virtually overnight. By August 2012, the majority of our online advertising programs were built around video ads rather than display ads. That month alone, 188 mil lion Americans watched online video, and, in some areas, publishers simply ran out of ads to sell. Think about it: The Internet literally ran out of space.

We did not handle the Mitt Romney online effort. That’s someone else’s fault. But what we did do was execute tens of millions of dollars worth of independent expenditures on Romney’s behalf for some of the largest Super PACs in the country. Inside that spend, we executed a multimillion-dollar buy in Ohio for one big player, which meant that another group that arrived hours later with hundreds of thousands of dollars meant for voter-targeted online video was out of luck. For a guy who earns a living selling ads at 1.4 cents each, that hurt.

Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, just reelected to Congress, is the perfect example of why voter targeting matters. Very few people in his district weren’t sure of their opinion of him. We worked with Sanford’s former communications director, Joel Sawyer, who works for Push Digital to get his former boss through the 16-candidate primary, runoff and general election against Stephen Colbert’s sister. There are almost 700,000 residents of this congressional district; with help from their team, we narrowed it to the 30,000 likely voters who needed convincing that Mark Sanford was ready to complete his redemption story. This has been standard operating procedure for political mail for decades but new for online messaging.

What’s driving the accelerating shift in advertising toward video and mobile? Broadband now reaches 90 percent of homes with computers. More than half of mobile phones are smartphones. Less than half of households with incomes below $30,000 have broadband, so reaching your kids’ nannies on their MacBook Pro isn’t very likely, but that’s where mobile comes in.

Forrester Research predicts banner ads will nearly disappear within five years. In their place will be more sophisticated dynamic ads with functionality we haven’t thought of yet. Another evolutionary dead end in political technology is texting. It turns out that unsolicited text messages suck. And the only person in the universe with the charisma to drive millions of people to sign up for political texts is finishing his second term as president of the United States.

MOVING INTO THE campaigns this year, the vast majority of online political spending will end up on mundane sites where most of us spend our time. Now that I can find the same valuable likely swing voters on a sewing site, I’m not going to let any client spend real money on premium sites like Hulu or places that aren’t yet capable of voter targeting, like Pandora. The same philosophy that drove the Obama campaign to reach target voters on niche shows at 2 a.m. instead of during prime time we used to target online audiences wherever they decide to go.

The faster computers get, the more that can be done with the data exhaust from the many billions of ads we are delivering. This is also where the marriage of commercial and political data helps with traditional messaging; we can add color to what you think you know about your target group. Last month, we applied commercially available data to a list of supporters of a large advocacy group—assumed to be Fox News viewers—and found they spend their time watching CNN, golf and tennis and most definitely not Fox. New York State Democrats, we found, are five times more likely than the average American to eat Goya products, three times as likely to play racing video games, twice as likely to read someone else’s copy of The New York Times but half as likely to be a member of a union, church or synagogue. Combining political and commercial data allows us to target frequent drinkers to oppose a new tax on beer. And the same process allows us to specifically reach uninsured Americans and help drive down the acquisition costs for insurers.

As we enter the NYC mayoral race and New Jersey’s gubernatorial race, what more will you see this year and next? The velocity of voter-data updates is increasing—meaning, we’re able to stop running ads to voters once their early-voting ballot has been received. The data exhaust has more information than anyone knows what to do with. That’s where the innovation will come next: processing that data into something actionable, especially for clients who have less money than Obama (which is pretty much everyone). Our challenge, as we move into the next campaign cycle, is to manage the data integration that Obama’s reelection effort mastered. To be clear, it’s not a technological challenge; it’s dealing with egos and business interests that don’t always align with running the best campaign. If you see me on the train, there’s a good chance I’m on the way to NYC to walk some of our citywide clients through our targeting process; and if you see their ads, there’s a good chance you are one of their likely voters.

This is all new territory. The benchmarks are just now being set. Expected click-through rates, ideal video view lengths, expected donation rates, how to maximize ROI—all that stuff is nowhere near set in stone. Any shyster who says he knows is either a fool or liar. It’s as if we just discovered the world is round but have no idea what the other hemisphere looks like. The year 2013 is the new 1493.

Jordan Lieberman is president of CampaignGrid, which developed the first platform to deliver data-driven online advertising for political, advocacy and public affairs campaigns.  He is the former publisher of Campaigns & Elections magazine. 

topics: voting
Sometimes~~your horse wins easily~~under his own power~~within himself~~but that’s very rare~~so don’t ever bank on it~~do your homework~~prepare~~and be ready always for a dog~~fight~~
I thank the press outlets and parties named in this article for their stopping by this evening.

image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Sunday, 16th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


While politics remains ever a horse race~~and will never be anything but that~~tactics and strategies do change and some of those, new, technical, changes are annotated by our friends in the follow note today~~and they matter~~as~~racing can be a razor close affair~~and is~~very often~~

Sometimes~~your horse wins easily~~under his own power~~within himself~~but that’s very rare~~so don’t ever bank on it~~do your homework~~prepare~~and be ready always for a dog~~fight~~

On the raw surface of things, Title 9 was simply another of an endless line of tortuously boring, fake communist, intrusions on the tranquility of the Americans~who did not request the intrusions~but~Boy Howdy~there is a higher law~the Law Of Unintended Consequences~comme ca~

Arianny Celeste

Arianny Celeste~~

Today~~We welcome the Girls of Extreme Sports~~for more of which~~Please visit this site~~

The Hottest Women in Combat Sports « Wings and Beer Wings and Beer.

Kenda Perez

Kenda Perez

Thank you Title 9~~When I was a wee one, Nana Maternal was all Gung-ho on the then heatedly debated Title 9 business~~which~~if fading memory serves~~was part of an avalanche of policies collectively to do with the “girls are real people too~~no, seriously, Era” among the Americans~~I asked Nana why such a fuss had to be made of this girls Gung-ho business and she said~~you’ll see, sweetheart~~and now~~Nana~I send this note of thanks to you aloft~~in heaven above and~~while I was blind to Title 9 all those years ago~~now I see~~I see what the fuss was and thank you for your searing insight of so long ago~~how could I have missed it~~

So, today we thank~~Nana Maternal~~nameless, faceless, Government bureaucrats from the 1970s~~no really,  http://wingsandbeer.co/~~oh yes really~~and the extremely sportif girls who joined us here today~~oh! Really, really, really~~courtesy of the Law Of Unintended Consequences of Title 9~~

The next time someone tells you Washington bureaucrats are worthless, intrusive, meddlers in American life, and they will do~~often~~call their attention to these bebes sportifs, who, without the coercive encouragement of the bureaucrats~~and the Title 9~~very likely would not be the extreme sports girls they are today~~and~~

That would be~~BAD!!~~

On the raw surface of things, Title 9 was simply another of an endless line of tortuously boring, fake communist intrusions on the tranquility of the Americans~~who did not request the intrusions~~but~~Boy Howdy~~there is a higher law~~the Law Of Unintended Consequences~~comme ca~~

Miesha Tate
Miesha Tate~~

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
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Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972

(Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688)

— Privacy and Security Statement —

Section 1681. Sex

(a) Prohibition against discrimination; exceptions. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, except that:

(1) Classes of educational institutions subject to prohibition

in regard to admissions to educational institutions, this section shall apply only to institutions of vocational education, professional education, and graduate higher education, and to public institutions of undergraduate higher education;

(2) Educational institutions commencing planned change in admissions

in regard to admissions to educational institutions, this section shall not apply (A) for one year from June 23, 1972, nor for six years after June 23, 1972, in the case of an educational institution which has begun the process of changing from being an institution which admits only students of one sex to being an institution which admits students of both sexes, but only if it is carrying out a plan for such a change which is approved by the Secretary of Education or (B) for seven years from the date an educational institution begins the process of changing from being an institution which admists only students of one sex to being an institution which admits students of both sexes, but only if it is carrying out a plan for such a change which is approved by the Secretary of Education, whichever is the later;

(3) Educational institutions of religious organizations with contrary religious tenets

this section shall not apply to any educational institution which is controlled by a religious organization if the application of this subsection would not be consistent with the religious tenets of such organization;

(4) Educational institutions training individuals for military services or merchant marine

this section shall not apply to an educational institution whose primary purpose is the training of individuals for the military services of the United States, or the merchant marine;

(5) Public educational institutions with traditional and continuing admissions policy

in regard to admissions this section shall not apply to any public institution of undergraduate higher education which is an institution that traditionally and continually from its establishment has had a policy of admitting only students of one sex;

(6) Social fraternities or sororities; voluntary youth service organizations

this section shall not apply to membership practices —

(A) of a social fraternity or social sorority which is exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of Title 26, the active membership of which consists primarily of students in attendance at an institution of higher education, or

(B) of the Young Men’s Christian Association, Young Women’s Christian Association; Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, and voluntary youth service organizations which are so exempt, the membership of which has traditionally been limited to persons of one sex and principally to persons of less than nineteen years of age;

(7) Boy or Girl conferences

this section shall not apply to–

(A) any program or activity of the American Legion undertaken in connection with the organization or operation of any Boys State conference, Boys Nation conference, Girls State conference, or Girls Nation conference; or

(B) any program or activity of any secondary school or educational institution specifically for–

(i) the promotion of any Boys State conference, Boys Nation conference, Girls State conference, or Girls Nation conference; or

(ii) the selection of students to attend any such conference;

(8) Father-son or mother-daughter activities at educational institutions

this section shall not preclude father-son or mother-daughter activities at an educational institution, but if such activities are provided for students of one sex, opportunities for reasonably comparable activities shall be provided for students of the other sex; and

(9) Institutions of higher education scholarship awards in “beauty” pageants

this section shall not apply with respect to any scholarship or other financial assistance awarded by an institution of higher education to any individual because such individual has received such award in any pageant in which the attainment of such award is based upon a combination of factors related to the personal appearance, poise, and talent of such individual and in which participation is limited to individuals of one sex only, so long as such pageant is in compliance with other nondiscrimination provisions of Federal law.

(b) Preferential or disparate treatment because of imbalance in participation or receipt of Federal benefits; statistical evidence of imbalance.

Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be interpreted to require any educational institution to grant preferential or disparate treatment to the members of one sex on account of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number or percentage of persons of that sex participating in or receiving the benefits of any federally supported program or activity, in comparison with the total number or percentage of persons of that sex in any community, State, section, or other area: Provided, that this subsection shall not be construed to prevent the consideration in any hearing or proceeding under this chapter of statistical evidence tending to show that such an imbalance exists with respect to the participation in, or receipt of the benefits of, any such program or activity by the members of one sex.

(c) Educational institution defined.

For the purposes of this chapter an educational institution means any public or private preschool, elementary, or secondary school, or any institution of vocational, professional, or higher education, except that in the case of an educational institution composed of more than one school, college, or department which are administratively separate units, such term means each such school, college or department.

Section 1682. Federal administrative enforcement; report to Congressional committees

Each Federal department and agency which is empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any education program or activity, by way of grant, loan, or contract other than a contract of insurance or guaranty, is authorized and directed to effectuate the provisions of section 1681 of this title with respect to such program or activity by issuing rules, regulations, or orders of general applicability which shall be consistent with achievement of the objectives of the statute authorizing the financial assistance in connection with which the action is taken. No such rule, regulation, or order shall become effective unless and until approved by the President. Compliance with any requirement adopted pursuant to this section may be effected (l) by the termination of or refusal to grant or to continue assistance under such program or activity to any recipient as to whom there has been an express finding on the record, after opportunity for hearing, of a failure to comply with such requirement, but such termination or refusal shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other recipient as to whom such a finding has been made, and shall be limited in its effect to the particular program, or part thereof, in which such noncompliance has been so found, or (2) by any other means authorized by law: Provided, however, that no such action shall be taken until the department or agency concerned has advised the appropriate person or persons of the failure to comply with the requirement and has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In the case of any action terminating, or refusing to grant or continue, assistance because of failure to comply with a requirement imposed pursuant to this section, the head of the Federal department or agency shall file with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. No such action shall become effective until thirty days have elapsed after the filing of such report.

Section 1683. Judicial Review

Any department or agency action taken pursuant to section 1682 of this title shall be subject to such judicial review as may otherwise be provided by law for similar action taken by such department or agency on other grounds. In the case of action, not otherwise subject to judicial review, terminating or refusing to grant or to continue financial assistance upon a finding of failure to comply with any requirement imposed pursuant to section 1682 of this title, any person aggrieved (including any State or political subdivision thereof and any agency of either) may obtain judicial review of such action in accordance with chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, and such action shall not be deemed committed to unreviewable agency discretion within the meaning of section 701 of that title.

Section 1684. Blindness or visual impairment; prohibition against discrimination

No person in the United States shall, on the ground of blindness or severely impaired vision, be denied admission in any course of study by a recipient of Federal financial assistance for any education program or activity; but nothing herein shall be construed to require any such institution to provide any special services to such person because of his blindness or visual impairment.

Section 1685. Authority under other laws unaffected

Nothing in this chaper shall add to or detract from any existing authority with respect to any program or activity under which Federal financial assistance is extended by way of a contract of insurance or guaranty.

Section 1686. Interpretation with respect to living facilities

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this chapter, nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit any educational institution receiving funds under this Act, from maintaining separate living facilities for the different sexes.

Section 1687. Interpretation of “program or activity”

For the purposes of this title, the term “program or activity” and “program” mean all of the operations of —

(l)(A) a department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a State or of a local government; or

(B) the entity of such State or local government that distributed such assistance and each such department or agency (and each other State or local government entity) to which the assistance is extended, in the case of assistance to a State or local government;

(2)(A) a college, university, or other postsecondary institution, or a public system of higher education; or

(B) a local educational agency (as defined in section2854(a)(10) of this title, system of vocational education, or other school system;

(3)(A) an entire corporation, partnership, or other private organization, or an entire sole proprietorship —

(i) if assistance is extended to such corporation, partnership, private organization, or sole proprietorship as a whole; or

(ii) which is principally engaged in the business of providing education, health care, housing, social services, or parks and recreation; or

(B) the entire plant or other comparable, geographically separate facility to which Federal financial assistance is extended, in the case of any other corporation, partnership, private organization, or sole proprietorship; or

(4) any other entity which is established by two or more of the entities described in paragraph (l), (2) or (3);

any part of which is extended Federal financial assistance, except that such term does not include any operation of an entity which is controlled by a religious organization if the application of section 1681 if this title to such operation would not be consistent with the religious tenets of such organization.

Section 1688. Neutrality with respect to abortion

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require or prohibit any person, or public or private entity, to provide or pay for any benefit or service, including the use of facilities, related to an abortion. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit a penalty to be imposed on any person or individual because such person or individual is seeking or has received any benefit or service related to a legal abortion.

More information about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Ronda Rousey
Ronda Rousey~~
Brittney Palmer
Brittney Palmer~~

image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Sunday, 16th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com

Gina Carano

Gina Carano~~

Thank you Title 9~~


When I was a wee one, Nana Maternal was all Gung-ho on the then heatedly debated Title 9 business~~which~~if fading memory serves~~was part of an avalanche of policies collectively to do with the “girls are real people too~~no, seriously, Era” among the Americans~~


I asked Nana why such a fuss had to be made of this girls Gung-ho business and she said~~you’ll see, sweetheart~~and now~~Nana~I send this note of thanks to you aloft~~in heaven above and~~while I was blind to Title 9 all those years ago~~now I see~~I see what the fuss was and thank you for your searing insight of so long ago~~how could I have missed it~~



So, today we thank~~Nana Maternal~~nameless, faceless, Government bureaucrats from the 1970s~~no really,  http://wingsandbeer.co/~~oh yes really~~and the extremely sportif girls who joined us here today~~oh! Really, really, really~~courtesy of the Law Of Unintended Consequences of Title 9~~


The next time someone tells you Washington bureaucrats are worthless, intrusive, meddlers in American life, and they will do~~often~~call their attention to these bebes sportifs, who, without the coercive encouragement of the bureaucrats~~and the Title 9~~very likely would not be the extreme sports girls they are today~~and~~


That would be BAD!!~~



On the raw surface of things, Title 9 was simply another of an endless line of tortuously boring, fake communist intrusions on the tranquility of the Americans~~who did not request the intrusions~~but~~Boy Howdy~~there is a higher law~~the Law Of Unintended Consequences~~comme ca~~




How Hank Paulson saved the world~single-handedly~an autobiography in slow motion~


Henry Merritt~~Hank~~Paulson, Jr. shown at right~~with a friend~~

How Hank Paulson saved the world~~single-handedly~~an autobiography in slow motion~~yet still today Hank frets about the world’s future~~after all~~Hank won’t always be here to save us~~still and all, Hank~~human beings ask~~what about some Jobs~~you know~~work~~employment~~Hank? Hank!~~


Hank Paulson: Another Financial Crisis Is ‘a Certainty’

Friday, 13 Sep 2013 12:41 PM

By Glenn J. Kalinoski

The crisis that brought the world to the brink of financial collapse five years ago could be repeated.
That was the message from former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson when he appeared before economists and bankers at the meeting of the Economic Club of New York this week. He played a crucial role in attempts to save the financial system following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008.

Paulson explained that he made mistakes during the crisis. “Almost every mistake was a communications issue,” he said, adding that he is frustrated that Main Street doesn’t understand what he did “wasn’t for Wall Street; it was for them.”

Paulson listed reasons another crisis is a possibility, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

First, mortgage finance behemoths Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae remain government entities and it’s politically problematic for the government to shrink them to a manageable size since they’re making considerable money.

Second, the shadow banking system is still a problem and “more needs to be done” to fix repo securitized lending. Moreover, Paulson wants more disclosure regarding the holdings of money market mutual funds.

Third, he noted that there are too many financial regulators and they tend to engage in “dysfunctional” competition, which he described as “a big problem.”

Paulson added that Congress has tied the hands of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department in dealing with a future crisis. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Paulson’s Treasury in 2008 used its exchange stabilization fund to guarantee the assets of money market mutual funds, “a measure that prevented a run on those funds that would have crippled the financial system.” The Treasury would not be permitted to do that today.

In a look back at the crisis published in the Sept. 16-22 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, Paulson discussed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

“The way I read the polls, TARP was more unpopular than torture. We don’t like bailouts in this country. If you take a risk and make money? That’s good. But if you take a risk and the government has to come in and save you? Well, I understand the anger,” he stated.

“I was never able to convince the American people that what we did with TARP was not for the banks. It was for them. It was to save Main Street. It was to save our economy from a catastrophe.”

Paulson believes there will be another financial crisis.

“It’s a certainty. As long as we have markets, as long as we have banks, no matter what the regulatory system is, there will be flawed government policies. Those policies will create bubbles. They will manifest themselves in a financial system no matter how it’s structured and how it’s regulated. But the key thing is to have the tools and the political will to act forcefully to limit a crisis,” he explained.

“The capital program we designed to get out [of the crisis] and put capital into hundreds of banks very, very quickly and recapitalized the U.S. financial system, is a huge success. That money has come back, all that, plus $32 billion,” Paulson told CNBC.

“I am a believer in the Ben Bernanke stimulus programs [that followed]. Even though we have low growth, this economy has been growing at 2 percent since 2009, while we’ve undergone this sort of massive and necessary deleveraging.”

Paulson did not offer up who he believes President Obama should nominate to replace Bernanke as chairman of the Fed. “If he [Obama] wants my advice, he’ll ask me. So far he hasn’t, strangely enough,” he said at the meeting in New York.

Paulson told CNBC he knows former Treasury Secretary and Obama economic adviser Larry Summers a lot better than that he does Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen.

“I like Larry,” Paulson stated. “He’s a very capable guy. I’m a friend of Larry.”

He said he’s not entering into the debate because he’s been “distressed at the extent to which it has been politicized. I don’t know how this happened, but it shouldn’t be. It’s too important a job.

Saving the world ain’t all gravy, kid~~and even our Hank sometimes gets vexed trying to do that all alone–you know~~single-handedly~~
We thank the Bloomberg Business and other press services and individuals named and cited here~~


image002 (20)


~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!







Washington, District of Columbia

United States

Sunday, 15th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


Washington DC



john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting

4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064




Tweets: @jtdbegg


Website: https://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com


Hank still works very hard at saving the world~~single-handedly~~and that’s not an easy business, we understand~~still Hank~~not to be petty~~but~~what about some real JOBS for some real people?

How Hank Paulson saved the world~~single-handedly~~an autobiography in slow motion~~yet still today Hank frets about the world’s future~~after all~~Hank won’t always be here to save us~~still and all, Hank~~human beings ask~~what about some JOBS~~you know~~work~~employment~~Hank? Hank!

Idiots~trying to catch other idiots~trying to pretend to be intelligent~proof emphatic~were it ever needed~that teachers are even lazier and stupider than the students~


‘I want to speak with you about your work habits.’~~

‘You mean work is habit forming?’~~


Turning on Turnitin
April 16, 2013

Software to detect student plagiarism is faced with renewed criticism from the faculty members who may confront more plagiarism than do most of their colleagues – college writing professors.

Members of the Conference on College Composition and Communication passed a resolution at their annual convention last month to denounce plagiarism detection services, including products like Turnitin.

According to the resolution, “plagiarism detection services can compromise academic integrity by potentially undermining students’ agency as writers, treating all students as always already plagiarists, creating a hostile learning environment, shifting the responsibility of identifying and interpreting source misuse from teachers to technology, and compelling students to agree to licensing agreements that threaten their privacy and rights to their own intellectual property.”

The resolution formalized a long-simmering faculty resistance to the services, which come in the form of software. While many faculty members use the software enthusiastically, some — especially in composition — argue that the software oversimplifies a complex issue, shifts responsibility from people to technology and breeds mistrust between students and teachers.

CCCC Chair Chris Anson said there were a number of problems with the detection services, including instructors who rely on the software to do key parts of their job.

“Their job is to pay attention to assignments,” Anson, a professor at North Carolina State University, said of faculty members. “They shouldn’t be finding ways to get around that responsibility, which is an important one.”

The makers of Turnitin, a product that is used to check 80 million student papers for plagiarism and other issues, called the vote by the CCCC the action of a vocal minority.

“Like any technology that is highly adopted, it is going to have its critics and we have a small, vocal minority in the four Cs [as the composition group is known] that, we believe, misinterpret how the technology is used,” said a company spokesman, Chris Harrick.

It’s unclear how many CCCC members voted on the resolution, but the vote took place during a “business meeting” that Anson said was attended by a smaller group. 

Why wouldn’t professors want help detecting cheating in an age where students can copy and paste material from the Internet, turn in others’ old work as their own or even buy custom term papers?

Anson said plagiarism could be reduced and made easy to detect with the human eye if professors gave students unique assignments and worked with students rather than cutting them loose with a deadline.

“Those kind of practices can help teachers teach better and help students subvert the possibilities of plagiarism, which can often happen because they are unsupported,” Anson said.

He said professors can cut down on the necessity or possibility for plagiarism by tweaking assignments. For instance, instead of asking about characterization in King Lear, Anson suggested professors ask students to write letters from the point of view of Cordelia, Lear’s loyal but shunned daughter.

“The most easily plagiarized papers are the ones on the most stereotypical projects,” he said.

Anson said CCCC members also feel the goal of software like Turnitin is to “catch and punish” students rather than to teach them. He said some cases of suspected plagiarism the software flags are not plagiarism but poor citation or students who do not understand academic conventions.

Renee Swensen, a professor at Saddleback College who does consulting work for Turnitin and responded to questions about CCCC’s resolution on behalf of the company, said she uses it as a tool to help students.

“It’s an opportunity for discussion rather than some sort of ancillary tool for the instructor to see what the students have been doing behind closed doors,” Swensen said.

Swensen, who has attended CCCC’s convention in the past, said this year’s vote was “somewhat myopic” and the product of a vocal few who have been agitating against the technology for years.

“It’s a tool,” she said. The important question is “how do you use it?”

Anson also complained about Turnitin’s practice of building its database by including submitted student papers. The company says it has “300+ million archived student papers” to aid its plagiarism detection efforts. The practice has been the subject of unsuccessful litigation against the company.

“Talk about taking work without attribution – they are taking students’ work without compensation. So it’s a strange, underhanded violation of intellectual property rights on behalf of students,” Anson said.


Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/04/16/writing-professors-question-plagiarism-detection-software#ixzz2f05nCFoN 
Inside Higher Ed 




”How To Do Well In School Without Studying’ is over there in the fiction section.’


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Thursday, 12th September, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013~


John Daniel Begg


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‘People, get a half-life!’ 

Idiots~~trying to catch other idiots~~trying to pretend to be intelligent~~proof emphatic~~were it ever needed~~that teachers are even lazier and stupider than the students~

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