Venezuela: The Rhodesia of South America

Doña Resistencia. Rosa la arepera.  Resistencia - Venezuela.  Harina Pan.:

Capitalism Explained In 2015: “You Have Two Cows…”

Submitted by Simon Black via,

When I was a kid, I used to proudly wear around a T-shirt explaining different economic systems using ‘two cows’ as a metaphor.

It started off like this:

Socialism: You have two cows. Give one to your neighbor.


Communism: You have two cows. The government takes both and gives you some milk.


Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

Postales Del Horror #Venezuela #SOSVenezuela:

I started thinking about this last week when I was in Caracas, because it turns out that Venezuela is a real life example of the two cows metaphor.

It started back in 2001 when the then-President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, introduced a law that called for the redistribution of land.

According to their ‘Bolivarian socialism’ pipedream, it was immoral for any single person or company to own too much land. So the government started confiscating people’s private property.

And any property owner who resisted was imprisoned. It makes for the perfect entry on that T-shirt I used to wear:

Miren tan bellos los carteles de bienvenida q le tienen preparados a Maduro en Argentina #MaduroGenocidaDeVzla #11M

Venezuela: You have two cows. The government steals your land and imprisons you.

Needless to say, the law had an enormous impact on the Venezuelan cattle industry.

Cattle obviously require a lot of land; and running a profitable cattle operation often means having thousands of acres or more.

So when the government started seizing people’s lands, beef production in Venezuela collapsed. Duh.

#PrayForVenezuela #sosvenezuela:

They went from being entirely self-sufficient in terms of beef production in 1998, to, within a few years, becoming the second largest beef importer in the world.




Of course, now they have an even bigger problem.

Pray for Venezuela.:

Venezuela’s currency is in freefall, and foreign reserves are dwindling.

So not only has beef production collapsed, but now the country can no longer afford to import beef either.

Beef imports to Venezuela are down over 80% this year compared with 2014.

And what little beef does enter the country is subject to the government’s severe price controls.

This has caused massive shortages and empty grocery store shelves– textbook consequences that any high school economics student could predict.

Prosperity isn’t achieved by government price controls, redistribution policies, and bureaucratic regulations.

It’s achieved through freedom. By giving people the opportunity to work hard and take risks. And letting the market determine prices and the allocation of resources.

That’s supposed to be what capitalism is. In fact, that was the last entry on the T-shirt:

Capitalism: You have two cows. Sell one and buy a bull.

Sadly this is no longer the case.

Certainly the West is in much better shape than Venezuela. But the vast regulatory apparatus being built in the so-called ‘free world’ is simply appalling.

Here in the Land of the Free, the federal government alone issues or proposes over 80,000 pages per year of new laws, rules, and regulations.

This means that, right now as you read these words, you are likely in violation of a dozen different regulations that you’ve never heard of, each of which can carry severe criminal, civil, financial, and administrative penalties.

Children get chased away from running lemonade stands. Teenagers get turned in to Homeland Security for going door-to-door offering to shovel their neighbors’ snow.

Businesses must suffer a constant onslaught of new regulations, licenses, permits, and taxes.

Meanwhile the government continues to expand its debts at an astonishing rate, saddling future generations with the obligation to pay a bill they never signed up for.

And the entire financial system is manipulated by an unelected committee of central bankers who fix the price of money (i.e. interest rates) as foolishly as the Venezuelan government fixes beef prices.

This is not the path to prosperity either. In fact, if I were to update the T-shirt for today, I would include these entries:

US government: You have 330 million cows. You milk them down to the last drop, tell them that they’re the freest cows in the world, then train them to be afraid of men in caves.

Federal Reserve: You have two cows. You give them to the banks for free. The banks slaughter them and eat all the meat. You conjure money out of thin air and buy them two more cows.

Wall Street: You don’t actually have any cows. But you rake in billions from selling out your own customers and illegally manipulating the price of milk. The government gives you a slap on the wrist.

Silicon Valley: You have two cows. They don’t produce any milk, and your operation loses $500 million per year. Top VC firms invest in your cows, valuing your company at $25 billion.

US small business: You have two cows. You cannot sell the milk without a permit. You cannot drink the raw milk that comes from your own cows. The government fines you $10,000 for failing to file form BS-01519.

US big business: You have two cows. You hire the former head of the FDA to be your corporate ‘advisor’. You get a huge government contract. Now you have two million cows.

How about you– any ideas?


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How short the list one could compile of those of whom it can be said that fame and money did not deprave?

s320.jpg BIG

  • At Washington, capital city of the terminally self-absorbed, mortal man holds to fleeting, feeble and fallible opinion, God immutable fact.
      • ~~
      • It is my assessment that America is dying inside, being eaten away by the horror of the collapse of the middle orders, the attendant societal and religious values and customs of those orders and the ubiquity of war making for dubious purpose.
      • ~~
      • The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~personally.


      The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


      ~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

      ~~La crema y nata~~


      ~~Artista de la conquista



      In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man. 
      Finis Origine Pendet…
      The escape commences…
      September, 1957
      Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic parochial school, called, by anyone of any background, simply: “Chan~al,” a place where, of an autumn day in 1957, school,  for me,  began and ended in the first convening of the first grade in which a tiny nun, one Sister Dom Bosco, appeared before me, just behind the window appearing at far left of this photograph, and piped out this: “I may be small, but so then, is the Atom Bomb.”
      My determination to escape school commenced immediately on hearing about this Atom Bomb business and took 16 dicey and arduous years to finally accomplish.~~
      Non Sibi
      The escape continues…
      September, 1966
      The Cathedral Latin School
        Finis Origine Pendet
      Κύριε ἐλέησον

      Rejoice and Glad!!





      ~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~



      ~~EX LIBRIS~~
        17 October, Saturday,  Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2015

      Tweets: @jtdbegg
      “Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he’s the only one who’s sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own.”~~
      French actor~~Alain Delon

      Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
      Seal of The Catholic University of America



      Deus Lux Mea Est


      Acta Est Fabula

      The escape concludes…


      The Catholic University Of America, Washington, District of Columbia.


      1976, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.



      Acta Est Fabula.


      Deus Vult.


      ~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~

      The Queen~~

      Our Queen now 63 years on~~

      Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~

      image002 (20)