George Stephanopoulos, Speaker Gingrich~are you men of strong enough moral mettle to resist tyranny by denouncing it to the point of your own death?

Saint Thomas a Becket resisted the lawless intrusion of King Henry 11 into Church affairs~~to the point of martyrdom~~where today at Washington is a man in this government~~or in the Church~~who will face the blade to do what is lawful, just and pleasing to God?~~


This government’s inclination to publicly announce its intent to take unilateral action well outside its scope of Constitutional authority hastens me to resubmit for your review and comment the essay attending which has as its subject my critique of unilateral action driven in the main by caprice and whimsy~~


The reprinting of my article attending is occasioned by this news item for which I thank The Personal Liberty Digest of this evening and likewise the writer, Mr. Sam Rolley~~both of whom I commence now to quote and will continue to do so until noted by me cease quoting~~


Open quote~~



 Agriculture Secretary: Government Will Not Wait For Congress, Laws In Implementing Obama Climate Plan

February 5, 2014 by 

81 28

1 181

During a press conference on Wednesday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the unilateral creation of new “climate action hubs” that will be placed in seven locations around the country.

“On the heels of passage of the farm bill, the administration will take executive action to help farmers, ranchers and rural communities combat climate change and adapt to extreme weather and other damage it causes,” a White House official said in an email ahead of Wednesday’s announcement.

The hubs will link a network of universities, nonprofits and Federal and State agencies to help further the President’s climate change agenda without legislative help.

“These climate action hubs are really part of the president’s climate action plan and its directive of us to actually act, not wait for Congress, not wait for laws to be passed, but to do it on our own,” Vilsack said at the White House.

According to the official, the new Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change are designed to address fires, invasive pests, floods and droughts that environmentalists deem products of climate change on a regional basis.

Asked why the hubs were created without Congressional input, Vilsack said that Administration officials feel it is time to do everything possible to address climate change without Congressional gridlock getting in the way.

“As the president has said repeatedly, if there is an opportunity to work with Congress, we will work with Congress, and we did,” Vilsack said. “We’ve been waiting a while for Congress to work on climate. Fair enough. There are multiple reasons why they haven’t. But in the meantime, we’re going to take action because 51 percent of the land mass of the United States is a lot of land. It’s over 1.2 billion acres of land.”

He added, “I think we’re trying to work with Congress when we can and when they can’t or won’t, we’re going to continue to act. That’s what I think the American public wants us to do.”

The hubs will be located in Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon and New Mexico. Sub-hubs will exist in Michigan, Puerto Rico and California.~~


The reprinting of my article attending is occasioned by this news item for which I thank The Personal Liberty Digest of this evening and likewise the writer, Mr. Sam Rolley~~both of whom I commence now to quote and will continue to do so until noted by me cease quoting~~and I here do thank these gentlemen and cease quoting them


Quote closed~~


The codification of caprice and its aftermath of rule by whimsy~~





March 20, 2012

The codification of caprice and its aftermath of rule by whimsy

An essay


John Daniel Begg

These words from Washington are occasioned by the ongoing, serious and very distressing rift between the Administration and the Church the flash point for which respecting issues of contraception. There are a number of levels at which this debate can be joined but it strikes the writer that the Administration’s position that the Executive can, by fiat, simply ordain changes in private Church policy because he feels like it,suggests logical consequences likely not anticipated or intended by the Executive and his supporters. Regarded properly, this debate is not about a particular disagreement. Properly understood, it is, by extension of logic, about morality.


Fiat rule, among other very nasty things, smacks of Royalism, dictatorship and governmental absolutism.Fiat rule is itself governed by caprice, seasoned by mere whimsy and sparks the harrowing abnegation of civilized legal process and of morality itself. All of these things, in turn, obviate against the possibility of having a civilized society. And, that’s not good news.


The merits of the particular argument lines thus far put forth by the opposing sides left to one side for a moment, it appears clear enough that, for the Executive to lay claim to such powers of fiat governance, occasions the observer to think a bit about both historical and present day parallels that are troubling indeed.


Fiat government is government by caprice and raw force. Lamentably, history is replete with sad and alarming parallels. The reader is asked to consider carefully the instant and longer term ramifications of Executive intervention based upon the notion that “I’ll do it because, well, I feel like it.” This is not a new affectation. Absolute monarchs lived, and effectively do yet live, by the credo “I will it therefore it will be done.”


Consider please the implications of a society in which from the top down the message is that my actions are in the main governed by the dictum: “I will do what I feel like.” Man generally agrees not to rob banks and shoot the girls behind the counter. Such agreement is part of a generally accepted social compact between the government and its citizens. Yet, some clearly think that if they feel like doing so, it’s perfectly fine. Daily evidence that this is so can be seen in the newspapers. Banks are routinely robbed and the girls likewise routinely shot during the robberies. All right-minded men would agree that a social construct such as that, driven as it is by mere caprice, is both dangerous and invidious to society. That is why the flip side of the prevailing social compact harshly punishes cavalier bank robbers and murderers. Yet, many men feel they are law unto themselves. It’s perfectly fine to rob money in Wall Street, to cheat, to lie, to lay waste to other nations in savage war and exploitation because, put to the quick, well, “I just feel like it.”


The rule of whimsy has harrowing historical connotations stretching back to man’s abrupt, and jolting, egress from the Garden. Comparatively recent flights of whimsy are downright frightening. Consider, Russia. In that great, yet often very sad, country, I am sure that the last Czar of the Russians, Nicholas II, smitten with the heady elixir of absolute, unchecked and “divine” power, thought it just the right move to unleash his Cassocks to butcher the Jews and other innocents of his Empire to quiet social unrest when the population was visited, as it very often was, with flood, famine and pestilence. Quite clearly, he felt likedoing that. Later, Mr. Stalin appeared to think it his prerogative to butcher and enslave virtually everyone in sight. I am absolutely sure he felt like doing that. The Americans today fret and make faces about Mr. Putin behaving in a manner tyrannical, and perhaps he does, but I am sanguine that Mr. Putin feels unfettered to do so because it catches his fancy and he “just feels like doing it.”


While the incumbent American Executive does not appear to us Czarist, Stalinist or a Mr. Putin, we feel it necessary to issue this cautionary: His recent, and apparently serious, flirtation with the notion that his office confers upon him the authority to codify his caprices and to be unfettered in his whimsy is very dangerous territory to enter. To cultivate such vanities comes at a very high social price. He ought to consider the logical corollaries. They are these: If you act in a manner suggestive of the mindset of these three mentioned Russian leaders, in logical construct, what is really to prevent any citizen of this Republic from doing whatsoever he “feels like?” Surely, the Executive is sage enough to know that people learn lessons from observing the actions of their elders and leaders. After all, the Executive has young children and must daily see that they watch their parents carefully and draw conclusions from what they see their parents doing.


Children, we all know, need very little coaching to adopt with alacrity a keen and ready aptitude for doing just what they “feel like.” We do live in a democracy, lessons are noted by the citizen and, most particularly by youngsters, and those lessons ought appropriately be sound lessons involving making good, and not selfish, choices.


Respecting democracy, the incumbent Executive and, most particularly his supporters, would do well to consider this element of the case if they are unmoved by listed arguments of logic against their codification of caprice: what happens when their caprice no longer stirs the drink? What happens when they are out of power? Do they feel cheered by the notion of their opponent’s fiatwhimsy and caprice holding sway in another day–not too far off? You see, when one opens the ball on the sort of capricious and whimsical mindset cautioned against here, one must make serious consideration of what will happen when men who one finds disagreeable hold all the high trumps. These men likely will not “feel like” wearing the current fashions. Then, the incumbent and his followers will have to adjust to what it “feels like” to wear outdated cloth. Will they like that—I doubt it? Yet, gravy is, as for the goose, so for the gander.


This last is perhaps the most important lesson here. If the precedent thus far established by the Executive to codify his caprices is left to stand, the Americans would do very well to consider what the logical corollaries and logical extensions of codifying those caprices are. Specifically, where does letting such a precedent stand untested end? I assume no other answer but that it leads to a tyranny of capricewhimsy and fiat government, weather that is the intention of the Executive in the instant case or not. If the American citizens clearly do see future tyranny in the present over-reaching by the Executive in the codification of his caprices and his rule by whimsy and fiat, and the citizens do nothing about these miscues, what rejoinder will they have when such encroachments are visited on their own sacred soil? That is why this is not, at core, a Church versus State issue, but rather a moral concern for all of us.


This is a serious moral issue that, by extension of proper logic, involves all issues of interest to every citizen. No citizen can rest easy in his comfort thinking “well perhaps this exercise in fiat governance,codification of caprice and rule by whimsy in the instant case is wrong-headed and a bit overdone, perhaps even dangerous and surely ill-advised, but it does not apply to me and mine directly in this instance, so I’ll just let it go unremarked for now.” No! Wrong move! Wrong move for anyone in our country to allow such unbridled power grabs go unremarked. If for no other reason than the future projection of enlightened self-interest, all citizens appropriately ought to be very much alarmed by the injection of fiat rule into our democratic system.


I confess that it was through utter inadvertence that recently I stumbled upon a clip of a Mr. George Stephanopoulos on the television speaking at Speaker Gingrich as Speaker Gingrich spoke at George. The level of discourse in American politics has deteriorated to the point that, what were once intended to be serious discussions have become, in the very best of cases, cheap and seedy game shows. In the illustrated case, the two men spent all their allotted time talking to themselves and at the other.


At events, Mr. Stephanopoulos’ game show that day was likely no more or less informed than any other, and, frankly, these vapid modern press conditions are not George’s fault. The news says that things are bleak out there these days and George is, I suppose, rather well paid, as far as that goes, for a reporter, to be vapid, and, vapid he is. Besides, it’s just a job and he, apparently, feels like doing it.


It is only as the ostensible subject, at least in part, being talked at between the two men was this regrettable disharmony between the Church and the Executive, that I recall it here. And I ask Mr. Stephanopoulos and Mr. Gingrich both this: is not the logical corollary of fiat governance, a generalized societal fiat behavior in which all the members of the society are moved by this same dictum: “what do I feel like doing today?” Further, do these gentlemen agree that the logical extension of such a dictum is chaos and, far more seriously, a still further extension is the abnegation of any and all morality?


Our society, devoid of morality, will not survive. It is quite that simple. It is from morality that springs personal freedom and its attendant possibilities and responsibilities. Hence, the true glory of America is amoral glory. I ask Mr. Stephanopoulos and Mr. Gingrich to comment on what sort of society we will have when all strata of men abnegate morality. It would be most unpleasant. Suppose specifically that, after their game show, Mr. Stephanopoulos and Mr. Gingrich go off together to celebrate their individual and collective brilliance with a swell meal and a bottle of Petrus. You lucky fellas! Suppose further that afterwards, Mr. Stephanopoulos, in high good spirits, is headed to his flash car where, astounded, he encounters a young ghetto urchin who decides, by fiat, to shoot Mr. Stephanopoulos in the head and take his car because the urchin “feels like it.” Such a tragedy would likely cause a stir on the television for quite some time, but, logically, the urchin has a sound license in a society that has codified caprice, rules by whimsy and abnegates all moral responsibility.


It is my fervent hope that all right and fair minded men can agree that the codification of caprice in the instant case of this most sad discordance between the Executive and the Church is a very bad path to tread. I hope such men can also agree that men governed by mere whimsy and fiat cannot be free and civilized. I most particularly hope that such men can come to peaceful comity of opinion that the concomitant abnegation of the rule of law and proper process that flows through logical extension from the primacy of capricefiat and whimsy, ushers in an immoral society in which men are diminished in stature to the point that they are not men any more at all but have rather repaired back to the jungle as savages.~~

Where in America today is our Saint Thomas a Becket?

John Begg 2.014....jpg




Avant l’hiver~~2014~~



La Vie sans souci~can be pricey~

John Begg 2.014....jpg

Little kids love the life sans souci~~without a care in the world~~

Generally, when one grows up, one finds that the price exacted for living a life sans souci~~without a care in the world~~
Is a terribly high price~~
The question is laid upon the table here~~as we pretend to live a grown up life sans souci~~without a care or a consequence in the world~~
Does that make you feel gai and free~~
Just a little queasy?~~
John Begg 2.014....jpg




Avant l’hiver~~2014~~





Where is the man who will lead the Americans out of Babylon? Where is he? Harry and I wonder.We’re curious.Do you wonder~are you curious~where is he?


A new dawn peeks out to the Americans~~bringing with her a leader~~follow her~~our new American Dawn~~


Harry–this is a most interesting expostulation on the peoples of New England and of the French Canadians whose blood I likewise share– and of the Americans themselves in recent times.


I too am impressed by the humble and go-get-’em attitude of the American Yankee.
While I am of mixed blood lines–to include a dosage of the Southland–Yankee ingenuity and hard work and lack of complaint in adversity has always much impressed me.
America could use more of that and America most particularly could use a public recognition in her politics of that humble work ethic and I think that the right, proper and winning horse and jockey to set things right again in this country begins with the sincere statement~ at the starter’s gate~ at the outset~ of a Presidential campaign that:
“I am a man of very little importance~now willing to take on a job for the citizens that is largely symbolic and my government will be guided by 3 tenets alone:
Protect the people.
Facilitate commerce.
Leave the people the hell alone.”
I think such a program would win election without any use of the whip but the issue is~~
Where is such a man to ride this winning horse?
Is he from Maine, from French Canada, from the Southland~~from where–if I were a younger man with younger arteries I would take on such a campaign~~lamentably I am neither of those.
I do hope such a man presents himself to the Americans~~who are rightly and sorely aggrieved at looking on what the city of my birth–Washington–has become–
my city is supposed to be a servant but she has become instead a gluttonous monster.
Where is that man?



White riot 2014~


White America of good bloodline~~having cast off his own political birthright as a nettlesome burden~~and hired instead~~cheesy front men to dance the soft shoe~~today is left in the public square with only this feeble question~~






 White American men don’t want to dance any more~~and so they job it out to servants~~who in turn get to pretend to be stars~~the trouble is that after a certain period of time~~the servant forgets who pays the piper and calls out the tune~~




Nasty miscues ensue~~






All white men left behind~American Presidential elections~2008-2036~the quick view~


Evil white man~~writing notes about~~


American Presidential elections 2008-2036~~inclusive~~


In which times~~at a minimum~~Lady History in Her Books will later recount that~~the job of the most important man in the free world~~now reduced to bailing excess salt water on yet another empty, leaky, little boat~~sailing ever further away from any interest or importance~~on a tiresome mission to redress real~~or self-imagined~~social grievances~~


Ill health can be very much of a blessing in disguise.~~



 In my case for instance, ill-health has afforded me the opportunity to miss all of American politics since well before the 2008 Presidential elections and ill-health will very likely ensure that I do not live to see the end of the continuum to Presidential elections 2036~~now Calvinistic predictable and set in place~~


That said, ill-health does not spare me knowing clearly the significance~~or more so~~the transparent lack of significance~~of Presidential elections 2008-2036~~inclusive~~at a minimum~~



Nan Maternal cautioned that politics was most impolite and as a career “no fit job for a white man,” and Nana Maternal~~now long ago with Jesus~~had no idea at all just how prescient she was in saying that to me in the late 1950s~~as no white man will likely ever see the Oval Office again in any of our lifetimes, my dears~~


The upside is that~~fairly soon, if not already~~


No white man will~~


Want to see it~~


Mindful of Nana’s admonitions~~let’s very briefly~~scoot~~through the American Presidential elections of 2008~2036~~in continuum~~at a minimum~~


Elections 2008~2012~~inclusive~~


I have~~Praise Jesus~~never heard the incumbent speak or read a word of his musings~~but I get the general drift~~



 The American Negroe~~college funds notwithstanding, is long and hard put upon~~deserves his day in the sun~~to make things OK~~and balance out Negroe grievances~~


Even for a man by illness divorced of direct engagement with politics of the present day~~this is a very old lullabye~~so I can hum the tune myself~~


White man bad~~put upon Negroe good~~let’s redress the grievance.~~


How best to address the grievenace~~put the Negroe into a position that has no significance whatsoever so that he cannot hurt either himself or others but in which~~he appears~~


To be important~~


Leaving the Americans with rather simple considerations~~

~~To wit~~


~~If we have to have one of them~~


Why can’t we have a different one of them~~



~~ Elections 2016-2024 inclusive~~



 I may not be with you to physically see that far, lush, promised land~~but I have in my fever dreamt that mountaintop and the valley below~~


American white girl~~once managably pudgy~~now uncontrollably fat~~abominably dressed~~and, despite being now aged and availed of ready access to good grooming advice~~yet without a clue or a care about that issue of her hair~~



American white girl~~hard working and put upon and unappreciated~~let’s redress that grievance~~


Repeat stanza from 2008-2016 above~~


~~Once again leaving



The Americans with similar, simple considerations as above~~


If we have to have one of them~~


Why can’t we have~~


A different one of them?



American Presidential Elections~~2028~2036~~inclusive


November 2003 event 054 (2)

The, optimally, illegal, Spainish immigrant is sore put upon and forced to do day stoop labors for the evil white boss~~


~~Let us redress that grievance~~and directly so~~


Repeat lead stanza as above~~



With a Spainish~~




Leaving the Americans once more with a rather simple consideration~~


If we have to have one of them~~


Why can’t we have a different one of them?~~


~~If God is just~~and He’d better be~~by 2036~~not only myself but all here reading will be buried beneath~~and yet~~



 I am sanguine that a, perhaps, as yet un-redressed, aggrieved class, will have sprung up to take the place of those here named so that~~from now until the end of American History we can simply continue to~~


Repeat the first stranzas above~~



The only apparent certainty of the future is that John Begg, Bush Brothers, Willard Mitt Romney and the rest of La Crema Y Nata Regime Ancien will have been altogether washed away by the~~



 Great unwashed~~


Teeming multitudes~~


~~ And all white men will have been left behind~~forever and ever~~








American Econ Class 2014~a crash course in a society in which there are no consequences of any sort for any of our actions~


Miss Janet Yellen, who was class valedictorian, in her 1963 yearbook from Fort Hamilton High School.~~


Janet now heads the Fed and~~as with her other expert friends~~she  can’t figure why there is no inflation in America~~


I wonder if~~when young~~Janet ever had any aspiration to doing anything of consequence with her little life~~after all~~she wasn’t that bad-looking those, now long, years ago~~


Miss Janet Yellen, darling~~America is in a deep~~and widening~~Depression~~you don’t get to have any inflation now, dear heart~~weren’t you an attentive little girl at Yale?~~


The incumbent government claims that it “saved us from another Great Depression,” a most convenient bravado~~as the claim can be neither proved nor disproved~~


But consider for a moment~~suppose it simply isn’t true~~suppose in fact that we are in another Great Depression and that it is getting worse by the hour~~


This would account~~and likely only this would account~~for the condition predicate in which a trillion dollars a year is created from whole cloth and there is absolutely no inflation~~NONE~~Zippo~~di Nada~~


Consider as you read this note~~




These clowns are annoyed because there is NO inflation~~they Desire inflation?~~




They can’t sort out why there is no inflation despite their monetary promiscuity?~~




~~Well, kids~~the reason is that America is in a deep Depression~~a condition in which there are no jobs and collapsing prices~~no inflation~~to be had for love nor money~~


 Inflation, Strangely Low, Holds Key to 2014 Fed Policy

Sunday, 12 Jan 2014 12:49 PM

 Stubbornly weak inflation is shaping up as the wild card for U.S. monetary policy makers this year, with top Federal Reserve officials stumped by why it has lingered so low for so long and at odds as to what to do about it.

As the Fed wrestled through last year with deciding when to start trimming its massive bond-buying stimulus, the bulk of attention was focused on the unemployment rate, which until recently has been slow to fall following its spike up to 10 percent during the recession.

By last month, policy makers had grown confident enough in the job market to dial back on the program. Figures released Friday showed the jobless rate fell to a five-year low of 6.7 percent in December, despite the smallest monthly job gains in three years. With much of the hiring slowdown attributed to bad weather, however, many analysts say the Fed will stay on track with plans to end bond buying by late this year.

But there is a hitch: inflation has been drifting down for much of the last two years, measuring a feeble 1.1 percent in November by the Fed’s preferred gauge.

The longer it lingers well below Fed’s 2-percent goal, the more at least a few policy makers worry it is a sign that the recovery might not be as strong as it looks. In theory, inflation should rise as the job market heals.

“There’s a lot we don’t know about inflation,” said Eric Stein, a portfolio manager for Eaton Vance in Boston. “I think it’s certainly frustrating to them.”

Both Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren and Chicago Fed President Charles Evans have referred to stubbornly low inflation as a “puzzle,” and have warned that the longer it persists, the more likely it is that there is something rotten in the state of the economy.

“Most people are assuming it’s temporary, but the longer we continue to not see it move back to the 2 percent goal, the more we have to be concerned that there are things going on that we have not fully incorporated in the model,” Rosengren told Reuters this week.


But understand it or not, the inflation data is key.

The U.S. Commerce Department’s personal consumption expenditure index of inflation, which the Fed follows closely, is “the critical monthly statistic for analyzing Fed policy in 2014,” Pimco’s Bill Gross, manager of the world’s largest bond fund, said in his monthly letter to investors.

Outside the measure most closely watched by the Fed, which strips out food and energy costs, there is little evidence of momentum for higher prices, in the United States or elsewhere.

The Commerce Department says goods prices through November had fallen for four straight months on a year-over-year basis, and larger-ticket durable goods items were down by nearly 2 percent from a year earlier, the fastest annual decline in nearly three years.

Moreover, recent commentary from U.S. retailers indicated that many relied heavily on discounting to lure shoppers during the recent holiday sales period.

And it’s not just a U.S. problem.

Euro zone inflation fell unexpectedly in December from the month before, increasing the European Central Bank’s challenge of avoiding deflation as well as supporting the bloc’s recovery.

There are “miles to go … before a policy rate hike,” Gross said, predicting the Fed will only start raising rates in 2016.

Janet Yellen, who will take the reins as Fed chief after Ben Bernanke’s term ends Jan. 31, has been particularly attuned to the threat of too-low inflation, explaining at a 1996 Fed policy-setting meeting that when inflation falls below 2 percent, “nominal rigidity begins to bite,” pushing up permanent unemployment.

A certain amount of inflation, say 2 percent, is necessary to grease the wheels of the economy and put downward pressure on unemployment, she argued then. As head of the Fed’s communications sub-panel, Yellen helped get the 2-percent inflation goal enshrined two years ago as an explicit policy aim.

To Yellen, high unemployment is simply unacceptable. “Long spells of unemployment are particularly painful for households, impose great hardship and costs on those without work, on the marriages of those who suffer these long unemployment spells, on their families,” Yellen said in her confirmation hearing last year.

And that very focus on unemployment, and her recognition that too-low inflation can be a contributing factor, is why “inflation is the key dynamic for Yellen and the Fed this year,” according to Lou Brien, a Chicago-based analyst for DRW Holdings. “The labor market is not unimportant, just less so for their policy decisions.”


At the same time, if inflation does begin to pick up back toward 2 percent, as many policy makers think it will, the Fed could have less leeway to be patient on its removal of stimulus.

Minneapolis Fed President Narayana Kocherlakota, who wants the Fed to add to rather than pare its stimulus, made that point in a town hall meeting Thursday evening.

While the Fed is “failing to deliver effectively” on its promise to keep inflation at a predictable 2 percent, he said, the fact that it continues to stay low means the Fed can ramp up stimulus without the constraint that higher inflation would impose.

Some policymakers, including the hawkish Kansas City Fed President Esther George, take the view that low inflation readings currently are an aberration, caused by lower-than-usual healthcare costs, changes in the way the price index is calculated, and low import prices.

To George, the real danger is potentially higher future inflation should the Fed continue to add assets onto its now nearly $4-trillion balance sheet.

Others, like centrist San Francisco Fed President John Williams — seen as closely allied with Yellen, who was his boss when she headed the San Francisco Fed — believe inflation has “clearly bottomed,” as he told reporters this week in Phoenix.

Even Rosengren and Evans, who have raised questions about why inflation is so low, predict it will rise back to 2 percent in coming years.

“Because inflation surprised to the downside in 2013, it remains a wild card for the Committee in 2014,” St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said on Friday, nevertheless forecasting it will edge up to about 1.6 percent this year.

Yellen, in her only interview since she was confirmed Monday, signaled she agrees with that take.

“The recovery has been frustratingly slow, but we’re making progress in getting people back to work, and I anticipate that inflation will move back toward our longer-run goal of 2 percent,” Yellen told Time Magazine on Monday, the day her nomination to the Fed chair received final Senate approval.

© 2014 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.





~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

~~La crema y nata~~


~~Artista de la conquista~




John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting
4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg


~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 

Non Sibi~~
Finis Origine Pendet~
 ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!




~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~





Tuesday, 14th January,~~Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

Tweets: @jtdbegg


"Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
French actor~~Alain Delon

The Catholic University of America
Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
Seal of The Catholic University of America

Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~





~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~


The Queen~~


In office now 62 years on~~


Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~

Winter Palace reflections~penned late in the night~on America’s newest iteration of Her Harvest of Shames~the migratory mess 2014~


 “I doubt I could spend a half hour without a cigarette with any comfort or ease.” 

Egbert Roscoe Murrow was born April 25, 1908 at Polecat Creek, near Greensboro,[2] in Guilford County, North Carolina, the son of Roscoe C. Murrow and Ethel F. (née Lamb) Murrow. His parents were Quakers.~~
~~All men have their vices and Mr Murrow died of his principal vice~~and lifetime companion~~all good courtesy of his ubiquitous~~cigarette~~27th April, 1965~~

We gaze out the frosted windows of the Winter Palace onto the bustling men of Washington~~members all~~in good standing~~of the latter-day Lernaean Hydra~~serving dutifully the whims of their masters in The Party in this latest iteration of America’s Harvest of Shames~~the 2014 migratory mess called~~with appropriate disingenuity~~by these men ~~


~~Immigration reform~~


512px-Gustave_Moreau_003 (1)

Gustave Moreau (1826–1898)

In Greek mythology, the Lernaean Hydra (Greek: Λερναία Ύδρα) was an ancient serpent-like water monster, with reptilian traits (as its name evinces), that possessed many heads — the poets mention more heads than the vase-painters could paint, and for each head cut off it grew two more — and poisonous breath and blood so virulent even its tracks were deadly.[1] The Hydra of Lerna was killed byHercules as the second of his Twelve Labours.


We sigh and watch our frigid breathe~~for The Palace~~as the city Herself this night~~is cold and foreboding.~~
Soon, all heads of the  Lernaean Hydra will vote out immigration reform to serve the needs of one head of the Hydra~~called Democrats~~who cynically desire an endless power base among the impoverished Mexicans they pretend to care for~~and from our own Republican Hydra~~whose rich businessmen owners cold-heartedly seek yet more slave labour at the expense of the already economically decimated American poor man.~~
Mr. Edward R. Murrow was a brave reporter and a good one~~no silly news girl was Edward~~there is naught like him today.~~
Mr. Edward R. Murrow was a communist and yet his chronicle of The Harvest of Shame concerning the seasonal slavery of the Mexican migrants in California’s Imperial Valley was a tempestuous masterpiece of real reporting on a subject of true American horror.~~
Watch Americans~~and be horrified~~be shamed~~as~~
~~Terrible as Edward R. Murrow’s biting commentary about the Mexicans of 1960 was~~it is far, far less the horrific than that now soon to be visited upon the Americans themselves by our Lernaean Hydra at Washington this winter~~called~~
Shamelessly so~~
Immigration reform~~
Watch, listen, think, my dears~~
The Palace endorses for all viewers this epic work of Mr. Edward R. Murrow~~
~~And now~~Mr Murrow~~




~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

~~La crema y nata~~


~~Artista de la conquista~




John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting
4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg


~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 

Non Sibi~~
Finis Origine Pendet~
 ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!




~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~





Thursday, 9th January,~~Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

Tweets: @jtdbegg


"Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
French actor~~Alain Delon

The Catholic University of America
Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
Seal of The Catholic University of America

Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~




~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~


The Queen~~


In office now 62 years on~~


Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~


George Herbert Walker Bush~Nobility obliges~


George H. Bush, age 13, at Phillips Academy, Andover, MA. 1937. (George Bush Presidential Library and Museum)


Non Sibi
(Not for One’s Self)


Finis Origine Pendet

(The End Depends Upon the Beginning)


Mottoes of old PA


George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–1993).



IN ONE WORD:  Oblige~~




Nobility obliges~~


~Nobility obliges might strike the current ear as either quaint or lacking in meaning altogether.~~


And that is not for the better, but rather for the poorer, for all of us.~~


George Herbert Walker Bush took to heart and took to high office a sense of DUTY~~that, from itself, emanates from the proper notion of noblesse oblige.~~


As an aside, King George died shortly after my birth and Queen Elizabeth has repeatedly mentioned that her Father schooled her principally as to Her DUTY.~~


Queen has performed Her DUTY admirably and without any trace of scandal or personal aggrandizement in the intervening 62 years.  She is, truly, an admirable figure.~~


So, too,  George Herbert Walker Bush, took his sense of duty, of giving back to the nation that had given him such great advantage, very, very seriously.~~


It has been said of him and it is true that he is the only President, save perhaps some of the men who were here at the foundation, who was “born to be President.” And, so he was.~~


The PA world that so formed and likewise so suited President Bush arguably doesn’t exist anymore.~~


Life is all Helter-skelter and we are not better men for that~~but~~well then~~there it is.~~


The world lacks for order and constancy~~and selfless duty.~~


George Herbert Walker Bush did not inspire in people love and affection in the way that President Reagan did~~but of course he was a very different sort of man.~~


And, he was a good man.  A man driven principally by duty derived of social ranking~~which today we could have a great deal more of~~if we can, please. Thank you.~~


He was, first, middle, and last, a swell PA lad.


 George Herbert Walker Bush~~Nobility obliges~~




~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

~~La crema y nata~~


~~Artista de la conquista~




John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting
4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg


~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 

Non Sibi~~
Finis Origine Pendet~
 ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!




~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~





Sunday, 5th January,~~Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

Tweets: @jtdbegg


"Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
French actor~~Alain Delon

The Catholic University of America
Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
Seal of The Catholic University of America

Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~




~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~


The Queen~~


In office now 62 years on~~


Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~


“Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind.”~New Year’s Morn~2014~


Mr. Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Match Girl”~~here depicted~~


Our Little Match Girl is emblematic of the great mass of disenfranchised Americans this New Year’s Day, 2014.~~


She stares through the window from her desperately cold sadness to see the base, gluttonous, gaucherie of Washington~~a City where the Party never stops and the people who live outside Her walls~~cannot even stay warm at Wintertime~~


 Hans Christian Andersen

The Little Match-Seller~~

It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet, roamed through the streets. It is true she had on a pair of slippers when she left home, but they were not of much use. They were very large, so large, indeed, that they had belonged to her mother, and the poor little creature had lost them in running across the street to avoid two carriages that were rolling along at a terrible rate. One of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it, saying that he could use it as a cradle, when he had children of his own. So the little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold.

In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them in her hands. No one had bought anything of her the whole day, nor had any one given here even a penny. Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along; poor little child, she looked the picture of misery. The snowflakes fell on her long, fair hair, which hung in curls on her shoulders, but she regarded them not.

Lights were shining from every window, and there was a savory smell of roast goose, for it was New-year’s eve – yes, she remembered that. In a corner, between two houses, one of which projected beyond the other, she sank down and huddled herself together. She had drawn her little feet under her, but she could not keep off the cold; and she dared not go home, for she had sold no matches, and could not take home even a penny of money. Her father would certainly beat her; besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to cover them, through which the wind howled, although the largest holes had been stopped up with straw and rags.

Her little hands were almost frozen with the cold. Ah! perhaps a burning match might be some good, if she could draw it from the bundle and strike it against the wall, just to warm her fingers.

<  2  >

     She drew one out – “scratch!” how it sputtered as it burnt! It gave a warm, bright light, like a little candle, as she held her hand over it. It was really a wonderful light. It seemed to the little girl that she was sitting by a large iron stove, with polished brass feet and a brass ornament. How the fire burned! and seemed so beautifully warm that the child stretched out her feet as if to warm them, when, lo! the flame of the match went out, the stove vanished, and she had only the remains of the half-burnt match in her hand.

She rubbed another match on the wall. It burst into a flame, and where its light fell upon the wall it became as transparent as a veil, and she could see into the room. The table was covered with a snowy white table-cloth, on which stood a splendid dinner service, and a steaming roast goose, stuffed with apples and dried plums. And what was still more wonderful, the goose jumped down from the dish and waddled across the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast, to the little girl. Then the match went out, and there remained nothing but the thick, damp, cold wall before her.

She lighted another match, and then she found herself sitting under a beautiful Christmas-tree. It was larger and more beautifully decorated than the one which she had seen through the glass door at the rich merchant’s. Thousands of tapers were burning upon the green branches, and colored pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looked down upon it all. The little one stretched out her hand towards them, and the match went out.

The Christmas lights rose higher and higher, till they looked to her like the stars in the sky. Then she saw a star fall, leaving behind it a bright streak of fire. “Some one is dying,” thought the little girl, for her old grandmother, the only one who had ever loved her, and who was now dead, had told her that when a star falls, a soul was going up to God.

<  3  >

     She again rubbed a match on the wall, and the light shone round her; in the brightness stood her old grandmother, clear and shining, yet mild and loving in her appearance.

“Grandmother,” cried the little one, “O take me with you; I know you will go away when the match burns out; you will vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose, and the large, glorious Christmas-tree.”

And she made haste to light the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother there. And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day, and her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God.

In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall; she had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New-year’s sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! The child still sat, in the stiffness of death, holding the matches in her hand, one bundle of which was burnt.

“She tried to warm herself,” said some.

No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on New-Year’s Day.~~


A cold, bitter, biting and brutal frost has settled over the Americans this New Year’s Day, 2014, Wednesday~~


What man will lead the Americans into the first rays of cheerful, warming, Springtime sun?~~


 Every schoolboy learns~~or at least~~learned~~Milton’s great poem~~Paradise Lost~~in which the poet reminds us so poignantly that~~


“Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.”~~


Be not tired, today Americans~~


Be not unsettled~~there is a Lord Above Who hears your troubled cries~~


Harken to Him~~for there is, Mr Milton writes~~A Paradise Regained~~for all of us~~who are good and just~~


“Yet he who reigns within himself, and rules
Passions, desires, and fears, is more a king.”
― John MiltonParadise Regained~~


Simon Peter searches for God~~

Little Match Sellers~~this New Year’s Morn, 2014, Wednesday~~things at Washington are quite terrible, I know~~and you must pay all the, endless, immense sordid bills~~run up by the Party~~


Yet~~be of good cheer and shine your light~~and remember always Mr. Milton’s words~~to lead the sermon for today~~


“Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind”~~


We who are good and just and likewise want all Americans to be~~happy, healthy, gainfully employed, prosperous and content~~today pray that God will reveal to us our own~~


American Moses~~to lead us out of darkness~~into the light~~





~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

~~La crema y nata~~


~~Artista de la conquista~




John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting
4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg


~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 

Non Sibi~~
Finis Origine Pendet~
 ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!




~~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~





Wednesday, 1st January, The New Year's Day~~Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

Tweets: @jtdbegg


"Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
French actor~~Alain Delon

The Catholic University of America
Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
Seal of The Catholic University of America

Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~






The Scot alone truly understands~happy tears~HAPPY NEW YEAR”S EVE 2013~~2014


 [ˈɔːl(d) lɑŋˈsəin]:


The song begins by posing a rhetorical question as to whether it is right that old times be forgotten, and is generally interpreted as a call to remember long-standing friendships.[9]Thomson’s Select Songs of Scotland was published in 1799 in which the second verse about greeting and toasting was moved to its present position at the end.[9]

Most common use of the song involves only the first verse and the chorus. The last lines of both of these are often sung with the extra words “For the sake of” or “And days of”, rather than Burns’ simpler lines. This allows one note for each word, rather than the slight melisma required to fit Burns’ original words to the melody.

Complete lyrics
Burns’ original Scots verse[4] English translation
Scots pronunciation guide
(as Scots speakers would sound)
IPA pronunciation guide[10]
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne* ?

For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp !
and surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


We twa hae run about the braes,
and pu’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit,
sin auld lang syne.


We twa hae paidl’d i’ the burn,
frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
sin auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
and gie’s a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
for auld lang syne.

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely you’ll buy your pint cup !
and surely I’ll buy mine !
And we’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine ;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give me a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.

Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an nivir brocht ti mynd?
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an ald lang syn*?

Fir ald lang syn, ma jo,
fir ald lang syn,
wil tak a cup o kyndnes yet,
fir ald lang syn.

An sheerly yil bee yur pynt-staup!
an sheerly al bee myn!
An will tak a cup o kyndnes yet,
fir ald lang syn.


We twa hay rin aboot the braes,
an pood the gowans fyn;
Bit weev wandert monae a weery fet,
sin ald lang syn.


We twa hay pedilt in the burn,
fray mornin sun til dyn;
But seas between us bred hay roard
sin ald lang syn.


An thers a han, my trustee feer!
an gees a han o thyn!
And we’ll tak a richt gude-willie-waucht,
fir ald lang syn.

ʃɪd o̜ːld ə.kwɛn.təns bi fəɾ.ɡot,
ən nɪ.vəɾ brɔxt tɪ məin?
ʃɪd o̜ːld ə.kwɛn.təns bi fəɾ.ɡot,
ən o̜ːl lɑŋ səin?

fəɾ o̜ːl lɑŋ səin, mɑ dʒo,
fəɾ o̜ːl lɑŋ səin,
wiːl tɑk ə kʌp ə kəin.nəs jɛt,
fəɾ o̜ːl lɑŋ səin.

ən ʃeː jiːl bi juːɾ pəin.stʌup!
ən ʃeː ɑːl bi məin!
ən wiːl tɑk ə kʌp ə kəin.nəs jɛt,
fəɾ o̜ːl lɑŋ səin.


wi two̜̜ː heː rɪn ə.but ðə breːz,
ən puːd ðə ɡʌu.ənz fəin;
bʌt wiːv wɑn.əɾt mʌ.ne ə wiːɾɪ fɪt,
sɪn o̜ːl laŋ səin.


wi two̜̜ː heː pe.dlt ɪn ðə bʌɾn,
freː moːɾ.nɪn sɪn tɪl dəin;
bʌt siːz ə.twin ʌs bred heː roːrd
sɪn o̜lː laŋ səin.


ən ðeːrz ə ho̜ːn, mɑ trʌs.tɪ fiːɾ!
əŋ ɡiːz ə ho̜ːn ə ðəin!
ən wiːl tak ə rɪxt ɡɪd wʌ.lɪ wo̜ːxt,
fəɾ o̜lː laŋ səin.


 dine = “dinner time”
 ch = voiceless velar fricative, /x/, at the back of the mouth like /k/ but with the mouth partly open like /f/. Similar to “Bach” in German
* syne = “since” or “then” – pronounced like “sign” rather than “zine”.


John Begg – Shinbashi

Here is the second post on another great little bar in the Shimbashi neighborhood of Tokyo.  We stumbled into this place when I had planned to go to Susie’s but found it closed.  John Begg sits right next door, and it’s sign is quite a bit more prominent and inviting than Susie’s.  I should start off by saying that regrettably I did not take any pictures at John Begg, so I shamelessly clipped these off the internet.  To the Japanese reviewer who took them, I hope you do not mind!

John Begg was a Scotsman from Aberdeen.  He started the New Loughnagar Distillery in the 1845, and as a result of receiving the “Royal Warrant of Appointment” as a supplier to the Queen (Victoria) he changed the name to Royal Loughnagar Distillery.  John Begg passed away in 1880, and the company was later acquired by John Dewar Ltd and Sons in 1916.  Today the company is still going strong as part of the massive holdings of the beverage giant Diageo.

While the origins of John Begg Whiskey are well documented, how this John Begg bar came about in Shinbashi remains a bit of a mystery.  What I can tell you is the place is run by a Mama-san who has been tending to this same establishment for quite a long time (40-50 years?).  It is my understanding that this bar originated in 1949.  My guess is that not much inside has changed since.  It is a much bigger place than Susie’s next door, but before you think it must be large, please don’t forget you had to turn sideways when you walked into Susie’s.  John Begg is small.  A very nice curved wood bar fronts around 6 or so stools along the right side of the room.

To the left is a seating area with three small sections that can seat around 9 at the most.  A few comfortable looking very small couch type pieces along with a few stools.  That’s it.  What makes this place so cool is the decor, both behind and on the bar as well as on the walls.  It is tasteful, old, and classy.  There is a very large painting of the Mama-san when she was young.  A very beautiful lady, both then as well as now.

John Begg has many different liquors but seems to specialize in Whiskey.  Begg’s brand is of course the “house pour”, and I would recommend the 12 year old Royal Loughnagar Single Malt, which was quite tasty.  Two capable and experienced barmen tend very professionally to the drinks.  The service is first rate.  One speaks a little bit of English, which was very helpful (I did not have my Japanese co-workers along for this adventure).  The place had some classic looking coasters seen here.

Go to John Begg if you want to relax and go back in time.  Enjoy the serenity of the place, the nice service, and the fine cocktails.  The craziness of Shinbashi is outside all around you, but within these walls you can escape.  You can enjoy.  There is a Ginza feel here, which is only a few blocks away.

I hope to return to this place with some of my Japanese friends so I can find out more about it from the Mama-san.  Shinbashi, Tokyo and the world needs more places like John Begg.  Search them out before they are gone forever, like Susie’s next door.



~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

~~La crema y nata~~

~~Artista de la conquista~




John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

john daniel begg public affairs and speechwriting
4853 Sedgwick Street
North West
Washington, DC 20016-2323533
Voice Telephone: 1-(202) 966-8029
Telefacsimile: 1-(202) 966-4125
Mobile Telephone: 1-(202) 557-1064
Tweets:  @jtdbegg


~~In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man~~ 


Non Sibi~~
Finis Origine Pendet~
 ~~Κύριε ἐλέησον~~

Rejoice and Glad!!






~~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~





Wednesday, 31st Day of December~~ At the Toll of the Bell Herself~New Years Day~January, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2014

Tweets: @jtdbegg


"Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he's the only one who's sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own."~~
French actor~~Alain Delon

The Catholic University of America
Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
Seal of The Catholic University of America

Motto~~Deus Lux Mea Est~~




What needs to be radically transformed is not America Herself but rather Washington, DC~Herself~


    • Washington, DC~~a beautiful and yet now~~terribly troubled capital city~~


      Fact is the Republican Party is supposed to be the part of small, limited government and while they talk the talk, they just don’t walk the walk, they either don’t deliver, can’t deliver or don’t want to deliver.


      john begg

  • john begg

    President at john daniel begg public affairs


    Quite so, Craig~~quite so~~and that is what the pitched combat in our Party is about~~what does the Party stand for~~whom does it represent~~a combat that to my mind may very well lead to the dissolution of both Parties fairly soon as the utter failure to represent core constituent groups applies even more brazenly to the other Party~~than to our own~~ 


  • ~~I think it is dawning on a very broad cross section of the Americans that this city of my birth and now~~aged life~~ Washington, District of Columbia~~is the mortal enemy of the Americans and that what needs to be radically transformed is not America Herself but rather Washington, DC~~a distinction~~ and a difference of~~considerable consequence~~
  • ~
  • John Begg ~~
  •  Image


Don’t productive Americans deserve a civil rights movement too?


Photo: Buyenlarge/Archive Photos/Getty Images

Winston Churchill once said, “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.” Throughout his life, from his time a journalist to his years as the British Prime Minister, a bottle of booze was never far from Churchill’s side. The wartime leader was notorious for his love of a drink. He is said to have drunk hock, a type of wine, with breakfast. Churchill would then amp up with alcohol intake during the day. At meal times the booze flowed freely. He was known to drink both champagne and brandy at lunch and dinner. Churchill would often joke about his alcohol intake. He once told the King of Saudi Arabia that his absolute rule of life required drinking before, during, and after meals.~~



The American hangover soon to come to Washington~~will be as brutal as a hangover can be~~


We thank our Mr Morici today for his interesting and compelling note to us~~while we do not think Mr Morici goes far enough or gets close enough to the core message that the opposition to the craven gaucheries of Washington today ought adopt, Mr Morici makes a good start.

We think however that those of us in opposition ought advocate for a President who simply does these things~~upon this premise~~


That a man who has never held any office will win office in a massive landslide if~~he simply sticks to this platform alone~~


~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~personally and directly~~
And that~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~
 And that~~beyond that~~The new President will~~Leave the people the hell alone~~


Obamacare Train Wreck Could Derail US Recovery

Monday, 30 Dec 2013 09:22 AM

The U.S. economy is gaining strength, but the Obamacare train wreck, festering problems in far away China and uncertain leadership at the Federal Reserve could derail the recovery.No small courage will be required for good sense to finally restore American prosperity.

Here are three things that could derails a full economic recovery.


President Barack Obama is imposing the Affordable Care Act on a justifiably unwilling citizenry.

The botched rollout is laying bare the absolute incompetence of the Washington bureaucracy, but that is not the worst of it.Many young Americans have decided that Obamacare health insurance is too expensive for their needs, and insurers face financial ruin paying claims to a less healthy population of policyholders than anticipated. They will charge higher rates in 2015 and may require a bailout.

Don’t count on Republicans winning the Senate and putting Obamacare out of its misery — the electorate may prove too cynical.

In the 2013 Virginia gubernatorial election, voters, angry about Obamacare, blamed Democrat Terry McAuliffe. Yet, he managed a narrow victory by promising free health care to 300,000 citizens by expanding Medicaid.

Lest jobs creation and growth be handicapped by an excessively expensive and bureaucratic health care system, “makers” may simply have to tell the “takers” enough is enough, march on Washington and demand radical changes.

Don’t productive Americans deserve a civil rights movement too?

China’s Banking Mess

China’s economic miracle may prove a bigger fraud than the American pre-crisis prosperity built on shabby lending and consumer spending on steroids.

Many Chinese businesses that stock Wall-Mart with unimaginably inexpensive gadgets were built on loans they can’t repay. Similarly, banks have financed provincial governments to build cities occupied by displaced farmers that have no jobs.

Beijing has raised interest rates to gradually deflate bubbles in stock and land prices, but now borrowers cannot pay those rates and banks and private lenders could face ruin.

A financial crisis won’t end the rise of China, but it would expose a great fraud: the superiority of state-directed capitalism over western democracy and free markets.

No one would be more disappointed than the collectivists at National Public Broadcasting and other liberal media, who celebrate each Chinese achievement with the enthusiasm the French cheered General Washington’s victories over the British.

The simultaneous debunking of the ACA and Chinese miracle offer conservatives the opportunity to refocus the debate in America from the shortcomings of free markets and private enterprise to helping those thrive and contribute to middle class prosperity as they did in the 1980s and 1990s.

Federal Reserve

During the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve balked at bailing out GM. The Fed could have bought the automaker’s bad debt, just as it took bad mortgages off banks’ books. Ben Bernanke pronounced assisting GM would be “industrial policy” and limited the Fed to extraordinary measures to stabilize banks and credit markets.

Obama used TARP—the Treasury fund established by President Bush and Congress—to rescue both GM and American International Group, an insurance company.

The next financial crisis well could be defined by the coincident plights of health insurance companies under Obamacare, and the sagging fortunes of American companies who invested in China’s “recession proof” economy.

New Fed Chairman Janet Yellen is well known for her very liberal political views, which not so incidentally color her economics. In a crisis, she could see the limits of Fed policy discretion very differently than Bernanke.

Using the Fed’s money printing machinery to bail out health insurance companies and Obamacare could put America on a path to inflation and corruption similar to Latin American nations during the 1970s and 80s.

It would be up to Republicans in the Senate to shut down the chamber if necessary to force hearings and compel Chairman Yellen to defend the dollar, not debase the currency.

Standing up to the failures of liberalism, when it counts, has never been politically easy—and Republicans like Speaker Boehner and Congressman Ryan are rightly the targets of Tea Party criticism.

All along, at crisis moments like these, they have capitulated. Now standing strong for America is even more difficult, but if not now then when?

© 2013 Moneynews. All rights reserved.


The Girls of political Washington want to know~~what is all this glum talk about?~~


We thank our Mr Morici today for his interesting and compelling note to us~~while we do not think Mr Morici goes far enough or gets close enough to the core message that the opposition to the craven gaucheries of Washington today ought adopt, Mr Morici makes a good start.

We think however that those of us in opposition ought advocate for a President who simply does these things~~upon this premise~~


That a man who has never held any office will win office in a massive landslide if~~he simply sticks to this platform alone~~


~~The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~personally and directly~~
And that~~
~~The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~
 And that~~beyond that~~The new President will~~Leave the people the hell alone~~