Hatred is the straw that stirs the drink of American political life.

Bellini Martini: 2 oz Raspberry Vodka 1 oz Peach Nectar 1 oz Peach Schnapps 1 oz Champagne Mix in shaker with ice, strain into martini glass. Garnish with orange peel or fresh raspberries.:


Posted on May 9, 2013 by  under Society




~The Glass of Morning is unforgiving~~try as you like, smile as you like, youth flees, mixed memories alone remain.~~~ROVISM stands now, triumphant~~in full flower.

Photo credits: Mr. Thomas Hussey




1935: The Founding Philosophy of Dr George Gallup:

Photo of Dr. Gallup

Dr. George Gallup

As a pioneering pollster, company founder Dr. George Gallup determined that in seeking the truth, that is, the actual “will” of the people, his guiding principle would be independence. To ensure his independence, and therefore his objectivity, Dr. Gallup resolved that he would undertake no polling that was paid for or sponsored in any way by special interest groups such as the Republican and Democratic parties. Adhering to this principle, Gallup has turned down thousands of requests for surveys from organizations representing every shade of the political spectrum and with every kind of special agenda.

Dr. George Gallup trained his men to be assiduously non-sectarian.  Today, his successor at the helm of Gallup, Mr. James Clifton, strictly adheres to the founder’s assiduous impartiality.  Today, Mr. Clifton visits us and has this to say about the current state of political affairs in America.  We thank him for coming and for his interesting observations.

*************We commence now to quote Mr. James Clifton of Gallup and do so until noted by us otherwise****************




Mr. James Clifton

CEO at Gallup

During a recent interview with a big Los Angeles-area newspaper, a reporter asked me, “Is America now in permanent decline?”

My answer was, “No.” Our country is not in permanent decline. But I’m concerned that our leadership is.

Actually, our leadership in Washington is failing miserably, and there’s little evidence they’re turning it around. Unemployment remains high and is basically stuck there, and GDP is growing at a pathetic 1% — so the country is failing on two of the most important economic metrics. The number of new business startups is alarmingly low, and the pace of startups is the one metric that foretells the rise or fall of America.

Here’s the problem: The very survival of America depends on job growth and GDP. But what are the White House, Congress, and all of the media and talking heads focusing on? Guns, immigration reform, and foreign affairs. Bluntly, none of these issues have much to do with the core drivers or root causes of America’s potential decline.

Worse, Washington and the media are totally out of touch with the public: When Gallup asked U.S. citizens to name the country’s most important problem, the top-of-mind answers were overwhelmingly either the economy in general or unemployment and jobs — 42% between the two responses. Just a paltry 4% named guns as the top problem, and another 4% said immigration. You read that right. And foreign affairs, namely concerns about North Korea, foreign aid, and “focus overseas” came in at 6% total.

What’s more, the vast majority of Americans want Congress and the president to prioritize jobs and the economy.

It’s no wonder. Nearly 20% of U.S. workers say it is “very likely” or “fairly likely” they will lose their job or be laid off in the next year, more than said so prior to the 2008 economic downturn. And more than two in five U.S. workers say that if they were to lose their job, they could go no more than one month before experiencing significant financial hardship.

Interestingly, the third-most important problem was “dissatisfaction with government” (16%). There’s a message in that finding. Our leaders are spending their time on the wrong things. When leaders have their priorities and basic assumptions wrong about what needs to be fixed, the more they lead, the worse things get.

Our founder, Dr. George Gallup, a man with a great sense of mission about democracy, understood this. He said, “If democracy is about the will of the people — then somebody should go find out what that will is.” While he didn’t say, “…and leaders should vote that will in Congress,” he did believe that leaders should be in touch with what 300 million American citizens want and need.

I’m worried right now. On a recent plane trip, I had time to read The Wall Street JournalThe New York Times, and The Washington Post in more depth than usual. This was an eye-opening experience. Turning page after page of all three great papers, I could barely find an article that addressed the current will of the people: jobs and the economy. There was plenty to read about immigration, even though as many Mexicans are now crossing the border back to home as are coming into the U.S. Plenty of articles on guns, even though the homicide rate in America is at a staggering 50-year low. And, of course, much on North Korea and Syria, neither of which has to do with America’s most pressing problems right now.

Washington politicians and media: We have a problem. The country’s citizens are on one page and you’re on another. You all had better get back fast to jobs, jobs, jobs, because if you don’t, the answer to the question, “Is America now in permanent decline?” will become a deadly “Yes.”


*************We cease now to quote Mr. James Clifton of Gallup and thank him very much for stopping by today.****************

We have today gone to some lengths to explain to our guest, the assiduous Mr. James Clifton, that the elections of 2012 represented the complete political acceptance and dominance of ROVISM~~an attitude and a political practicum unknown to Mr. George Gallup~~perplexing to Mr. James Clifton~~and little noted outside the confines of our morning coffee klatch here.~~as, after all, we thought up the name of it~~ROVISM.

Karl Rove is unknown to the Americans.  Unknown though he maybe to the Americans, Mr. Rove is, nevertheless, the one who gave the Americans young Mr. Bush and his successor~~both twice times.

How so, Sir?

Here so, Sir.

ROVISM~~doesn’t quite meet the standards of being a philosophy~~but is rather a political attitude~~one that is now biblical, nay, Sir~~A Code Of Canon Law~~in both American political parties.

Both, Sir?

Yes, Sir.  Both.

ROVISM began in Texas when Young Bush chanced a meeting with Karl Rove and took him on to run his race for Texas Governor.  The precepts are very simple~~and they formed the basis of the founding conversation that was, in itself, the founding of ROVISM:

“It’s a 50+1 game, kiddo.”

“Which is, Sir?’

“Politics is , Sir.”


“Yes–and–you get to 50+1, by getting as many people as possible to hate you.”

“Hate me, Sir?”

“Aye, Sir~~despise and hate, Sir.”

“Explain, please, Sir”

“Gladly, Sir, closely attend”~~~

“Most American politics has, erroneously, been predicated upon getting more than a a majority of the Americans to like, or at least, not despise and detest, a particular politician.”


“Oh, yes”~~

“And, plus which, you see, Sir, the real game today is to engender pure and implacable hatred in a core group of Americans that, in its’ own turn, is implacably hated by a slightly larger group of Americans.”

“I didn’t know that, Sir!”

“Yes, well–now you do, Sir!”

“You see Sir~~the trick is to concentrate on getting the ones who hate you to really hate you~~so that the ones who hate those who hate you will endorse you to punish the ones they themselves hate.  You see, it’s not about you at all, Sir?”

“Did my Dad do this?”

“No, Sir, I just thought it up.”

“It sounds awful confusing to me, Sir.”

“It’s real easy, Sir~~leave it all to me.”

So began, innocently, nay, Sir, accidentally, enough, ROVISM.  If, as with many others who have come to the coffee klatch perplexed, bothered and bewildered as to election outcomes since the wholesale adoption of the dictates of ROVISM in all of American politics, you now know the what-what.  Wee Luckies!!

When you ask how the last 2 Presidents standing for re-election, despite their beingrabidly detested by a large majority of the population, nonetheless won re-election, now you know the what-what.

ROVISM by now is Words Sacred from the Mountain Top. Commandments.  Political Scripture.  Immutable Political Code of Cannon Law.

ONE wins election by contriving to raise the basest of hatreds in the electorate~so that the OTHER ONES~~who hate the incensed ones~~themselves become incensed enough to vote for you. That’s it~~that’s all it is~~a 50+1 game predicated upon fanning hatred.

If this all sounds a rather crude way to run the American democratic republic~~you are not alone here in the morning klatch.

I know for a fact that Mr. George Gallup’s very able successor, Mr. James Clifton, our guest today, was aggrieved to find~~as very likely would be old Mr. Gallup himself~~yes, both would be sorely aggrieved to learn~~ that the reason that politicians and their handmaidens in Washington estate fourth have absolutely no interest in what the Americans think or want is down to  ROVISM triumphant!!

That said~~get well used to it, Sirs~~it is here to stay.

ROVISM is here to stay and we now know why~~

It’s here to stay because IT WORKS!!~~both sides brag on the, admittedly most remarkable, success of it.

When you look at the glass tomorrow morning, expecting your old, weathered face~~discover instead peppy youth~~discover the peppy youth of ROVISM~~now transcendent.

My dears, ROVISM thus explained, works and it is not going anywhere until it stops working and that will be a long, long time.

There is no deception in the glass of morning~~what you see there~~ is there.

Its name is ROVISM~learn to love its face in the glass.  You haven’t a choice, you see.

You see, dears, you see Mr Clifton, you see all others~~politics is now fully divorced of what the people think or desire~~in fact~~utterly ignoring what the Americans think and want is the path to political victory.  It’s the path to fanning hatreds~~and to VICTORY!!



John Daniel Begg


Washington DC

Thursday, 9th Mai, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2013


~The Glass of Morning is unforgiving~

Photo credit: Mr. Thomas Hussey


"Green Appletinis" Ingredients: 4 ounces Vodka 2 ounces Sour Apple Pucker 2 ounces Midori or Melon liqueur Maraschino cherries:







unnamed (1) blue hats 3



  • At Washington, capital city of the terminally self-absorbed, mortal man holds to fleeting, feeble and fallible opinion, God immutable fact.
      • ~~
      • It is my assessment that America is dying inside, being eaten away by the horror of the collapse of the middle orders, the attendant societal and religious values and customs of those orders and the ubiquity of war making for dubious purpose.
      • ~~
      • The rich man ought not be taxed at all~~he ought be compelled to employ and train the poor man~~directly~~personally.


      The principal need in America today is~~financial and industrial De-Globalization~~to facilitate the promotion of the possibility for the average man to get and keep a good job with good benefits paid by the employer~~as was done not very long ago.~~


      ~~Bene Nati, Bene Vestiti, Et Mediocriter Docti~~

      ~~La crema y nata~~


      ~~Artista de la conquista



      In sunshine and in shadow~~I hold tight to the Republican view of time and money~~I write night and day~~yet~~while impecunious~~I am vastly overpaid~~in that taking pay to do what I love is unfair~~to my employer~~in a fair system~~under such circumstances~~I should pay him~~not he me~~I am far, far too old a man to be sexually confused~~praise Jesus~~but I am yet young enough to be politically confused~~is anyone not~~in an absolute sense~~I am a Catholic Royalist~~in a practical sense~~I am a Classical Liberal~~a Gaullist~~a Bonapartist~~an American Nationalist  Republican~~in either sense~~my head is soon for the chopping block~~to hasten my interlude with Madame La Guillotine~~I write without fear~and without favor of~any man. 
      Finis Origine Pendet…
      The escape commences…
      September, 1957
      Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic parochial school, called, by anyone of any background, simply: “Chan~al,” a place where, of an autumn day in 1957, school,  for me,  began and ended in the first convening of the first grade in which a tiny nun, one Sister Dom Bosco, appeared before me, just behind the window appearing at far left of this photograph, and piped out this: “I may be small, but so then, is the Atom Bomb.”
      My determination to escape school commenced immediately on hearing about this Atom Bomb business and took 16 dicey and arduous years to finally accomplish.~~
      Non Sibi
      The escape continues…
      September, 1966
      The Cathedral Latin School
        Finis Origine Pendet
      Κύριε ἐλέησον

      Rejoice and Glad!!





      ~The Original Angry Bird~~The Catholic University of America Screaming Red Cardinal Mascot~~



      ~~EX LIBRIS~~
      Thursday, 4 February,  Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, 2016th
      Website: http://johndanielbegg.wordpress.com







      Tweets: @jtdbegg

      “Jean-Marie Le Pen is a friend. He is dangerous for the political set because he’s the only one who’s sincere. He says out loud what many people think deep down, and what the politicians refrain from saying because they are either too demagogic or too chicken. Le Pen, with all his faults and qualities, is probably the only one who thinks about the interests of France before his own.”~~
      Alain Delon~~Actor
      Logo of The Catholic University of America.svg
      Seal of The Catholic University of America



      Deus Lux Mea Est


      Acta Est Fabula

      The escape concludes…


      The Catholic University Of America, Washington, District of Columbia.


      1976, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.



      Acta Est Fabula.


      Deus Vult.


      ~~Our Ubiquitous Presence~~

      The Queen~~

      Our Queen now 63 years on~~

      Simply the best President we could ever hope to have~~

      image002 (20)

